Pink Elephunk

That’s impressive, but Michael Jordan averaged 0.1 more retained facts per game during the ‘90-’91 season, and that was with fact-checking and hand-checking

Well, I look at it like this.

Point heard.

Just wait till some team signs Brandon Weeden as their new safety!

Birthday Boy

Kuokoa B. Mchango was certain that it was the last night he would be alive, for you see, tomorrow was his 28th

It makes sense that a man on a channel for men who live in a fictional world where black men have super powers would cite a fictional world where black men have super powers as an example of why we should have guns. It’s like if I did an interview for the beef industry and talked about how good the burgers on Xandar

2 of the best quotes ever

These Avengers crossover promotions are getting out of hand.

I’ve always preferred vampire. Downright dangerous to normal humans in almost any situation. Almost entirely useless in every situation. Is practically sustained by bloodshed and death. Sun is their mortal enemy. Loyal to their own kind to a fault (see trump administration). Mostly lives amongst themselves in covens..

I know we joke around here a lot, and despite what our girlfriends say, we are ok at it. But whoever did this, show yourself. This shit is brilliant and I’m dying.

I would agree but unsweet tea is also for the old people in my family who are now diabetic cuz they spent they whole lives drinking sweet tea. Lol.

Unsweet tea is for heathens and the unwashed.

Wait, there’s college photos of Winston Duke? BRB...

Two thoughts:

“Race is a myth” white people are the worst white people.

My favorite joke that was made was that the only two white guys in the movie are Martin Freeman, who played Bilbo Baggins, and Andy Serkis who played Gollum, making them the Tolkien white guys.

I would swear that I remember some other team that’s actually got the best record in the East beating the piss out of the Celtics fairly recently

I’m not going to repeat myself, but I still feel you’re making the same boilerplate response rather than actually looking at things from the macro level, which is all I’m presenting. Other minority directors aren’t getting the chance to EVER even get “previous success writing and directing geeky sci-fi series.” It’s a

I’m all about ghosting social events, in fact I often skip the middle man and never even show up to begin with - I call it foreghosting.

this way you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes