Also, there’s only one fucking person to be mad at on that play, and it’s not Cam Newton. That was a nice helmet led hit only Gregg Williams could love.
Also, there’s only one fucking person to be mad at on that play, and it’s not Cam Newton. That was a nice helmet led hit only Gregg Williams could love.
Who the hell wears shoes in their house all the time? Is it an American thing? I don’t think I’ve ever been to a house where people leave their shoes on
Where the hell are your socks? If you don’t have any because you are wearing sandals, your feet are already gross anyways.
Seriously Cam, come play ball for a section of the country that isn’t a huge fucking embaressment.
Wrong. It gets funnier every week. I want it to be thesort of thing that confused football historians in 100 years.
Finally! A basketball team Panther nation can get behind.
Or heckling a professional athlete.
KG would’ve won the Game of Thrones by season 2.
I am a noted curmudgeon when it comes to performances at sporting events. But I just had a Grinch-like “heart growing three sizes” moment. Is this what real human emotion feels like?
I thought an eagle punch was when you punch someone in the stomach right before he climaxes causing them to screech and flap their arms. bad of a coach was Mark Jackson
There’s already a 30 for 30 in the works for Rudy’s career that was tragically cut short.
Oh my God, The Departed sucked so bad. By far his WORST movie.
Was he followed by 12 co-workers?
Because cops are the most reliable people in the world and never ever would say anything untrue to help a friend get out of trouble. This is the same generation that sends swat teams to peoples houses when tickets go unpaid. all of them need real training and discipline once in a while. not a slap on the wrist over to…
Oh no doubt. Batman ‘89 is still the best and that Joker was amazing.
I hate to be “that guy”, but you spelled Coach K’s name wrong. It’s actually E-l-e-t-i-s-t S-c-u-m-b-a-g. Common mistake.
You’re assuming I have space where I can work on my car, though. A lot of apartment complexes don’t allow you do to major (or even minor) car repairs in the parking lot, not to mention, how the hell are you going to raise up the car to change out the brake pads, etc? You’re just gonna scooch under there or what?
Good thing they got it off the premises. Wouldn’t want it catching rabies from an Eagles fan.