Pink Elephunk

My favorite BBQ joint (Melvins) in Charleston, SC still called them burnt ends and goddamn it do I miss them. Even though I prefer them with a KC style sauce.

I too studied Olde English but only 40 oz at a time.

So ... what you’re saying is, what’s wrong with this article is that I’m correct about the Xbox One being a bad product. Nice.

The league went pretty far out on a limb by suspending Utley

Devonta Freeman: (grabs ball thrown at him before it hits ground)

I liked that while he was on the bench last year, Kevin Durant officially entered the “fuck it” era of his career, not playing nice all the time with the media and so on. I would really like to see Angry Westbrook and Angry Durant on the court at the same time. That would be criminally fun to watch.

“Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you.”

I have a preference for Book Hockey. Go ahead. Say it out loud at a normal speaking pace, I’ll wait.

Aaaaand...I’m done with football.

DeAndre would be the perfect celebrity endorser for Snap Chat. “Say whatever you like because in 10 seconds you can act as if it never happened!”

USADA: We’re going to allow this. Any objections?
Pacquiao: [can’t raise hand]

Wish we had these in the airports in this country. Nothing worse than buying a meal and seeing people using their laptops or talking on the phone at a table.

Anyone that says Houston is better than Dallas by default has never been to either of these cities

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:

Life was so much easier before I had a girlfriend. Dirty clothes go into wash machine. When its full put in dryer. When you need clean clothes, go grab them out of the dryer and put them on. Its the circle of life.

Well, to be fair, we apparently do play and dominate it when it comes to women’s soccer/football.

Man they’re gonna get smoked this year.

There’s only one Winslow worth trading up for, and he’s all about Justice with a C:

What in the actual fuck was this?