My two daughters, aged 11 and 5, came home singing Uptown Funk. Let's just say that Dad gave them a tutorial that evening on James Brown, The Time and Little Richard.
My two daughters, aged 11 and 5, came home singing Uptown Funk. Let's just say that Dad gave them a tutorial that evening on James Brown, The Time and Little Richard.
Sure St. Louis is a giant shit hold filled with a 90% racial divide, along with severe urban sprawl issues but you know what its our shit hole. So while I'm sure that everyone commenting on this lives in the Wizard of Oz where all the food is fucking perfect, no crimes are ever committed and your sports figures are…
If you're going to sign your posts, put a line between the signature and the body of the post.
The service is premiering on Apple products exclusively.
I find it funny how the MacBook gets lighter and thinner every day. Someday an iPaperweight is gonna have to be purchased (at premium cost of course) just to hold the damn thing in place.
This is my main complaint going to taprooms and bars. There's about a 8:1 IPA to stout ratio.
+1 for this article. I really wish Stouts could have their day in the sun like IPA's have had the last few years. Sick of only seeing IPA's available on tap!
Batman vs Hulk? Batman wins. (It's cannon)
Batman vs. Bane? Batman loses, then wins (even with a broken back).
That other video was straight BS. Batman always wins. Always.
Reminder: The original Akira comic is still better than any other comic or cartoon you've heard about on this website and is required reading for any and all anime fans.
You fucking tell that to my wife Claire. She died of dysentery on the Oregon Trail so our kids might have a better life on the West Coast.
Drunk driving, circa 1015
If they could only find a guy that could be Coach of the Year one day.....
Phoenix fans blamed Hassan's first name, and definitely not his last, for his violent outburst.
I was surprised; I was only expecting the teams to exchange burns.
"Sorry about all the dunking."
Being an engineering technician, this is part of the reason I keep a line in my resume that reads like this:
I don't know about undisputed. I think Jack In the Box has taken them to task on that.