
Every day, across America, the sun rises on thousands of Walmart parking lots.


Chris Cilizza is the worst kind of ass-kissing schmuck.

Yep. That guy would get decked if I were in that match.

Totally on his defenders. They have to cover the rebound on a PK

I enthusiastically ripped The Donald for ordering a well-done steak with ketchup... but how can Drew do that in one paragraph when he casually says he does the same thing with his burger?

Strongly agree

Don’t fuck with the Jesus.

Well... yeah. Doogie Howser as the ultimate human weapon? Can’t turn the channel.

watching the pro vs the cheater... it’s sometimes hard to tell who is cheating, the pro’s aim with the mouse is so good.

It’s possible that some scenes were deleted because you were using in-flight entertainment? I watched the Delta in-flight version of Deadpool about 2 months ago. It’s almost 30 minutes shorter than the theatrical version — skipping all the good kill shots and the calendar girl sequence. It sucked.

Even more annoying are the assistant coaches that lose their minds while gesticulating that a pass is incomplete or complete They’re as impartial as a White House spokesperson

I scanned the list of stories, and was disappointed that my entry didn’t make the cut. Then I read about the blooping... and thanked Sweet Jeebus that I have no story like that.

I would give this another star, but it’s at 666... and it should stay there

Any excuse to post this gif is good.

I think we’re all missing a guest appearance by Florida Man

And this. And this:

Easy mistake to make. He does look like a grass-fed heifer.

Colon Cowturd is the absolute worst. Bacteria that live in port-a-johns and live off of the decomposing shit of homeless people are above CC.

Exactly. He missed the return by 20 or so centimeters.