
I'm mostly worried about the wheels, rotating in the other direction.

I wonder, why don't all animals have bright colorful dots already?

I once tried using my fingernail when I couldn't find the knife.

You missed AAO :|

YMMV is used here ALL the time ... and Jalopnik. XD

I lost my Shure 425s on the expessway last year. My backup Etymotic HF2s disappeared just two weeks ago :'(

That's exactly what he was saying XD

I wonder why this wasn't included in WP. There are still so many more ways the Zune HD is better than the Zune player in WP. Frustrating, some times.

I think you can start a sync manually on the iDevice, but auto only with Zune.

I live in Scotland, haven't even used my trial yet :)

But WP had it first! :P

Yours? I haven't any problems on my Titan ... well ... until they demanded I upgraded to premium :|


I can concentrate, very deeply actually, not just for very long. Oh, and I'm not American XD

Spotify on WP > decent.

THIS! Although after many, many years of rebellion, I wish I had just learned it anyways. Crash courses in linear algebra suck :(

I don't read. I'd love to, but can't. Extremely short attention span. I also don't have an awesome memory, so if I do decide to split the book over several days, I won't remember what I had read in the previous week :D

Wow. That must be extremely heart wrenching. Wow.

I know, it was just funny to see XD

Someone's crouching. The arm is a little more tan than those other five too.