
Specifically, IBM has opening the Watson Analytics platform up ...
Should probably be
Specifically, IBM has opened the Watson Analytics platform up ...

IE: 48, Chrome: 66, FF: 140, then I stopped counting.

I guess so they can prove they were the ones in the video.

Look, early is relative, man.

Yes, it isn't. I was making reference to the fact that every one seems to be losing their hair that the new Xbox is always on for this purpose. I'm glad that not everyone thinks it's an unwelcome development.

Are you by chance asking for an "Always On" implementation?

Wow, I didn't think those things would be so flexible, given the number of joints. I see them in a gifferent light now.

Yeah, so do I.

He's just trying to earn money the legal way.

Java, XML. You could create apps using HTML5 though.

That wasn't a hard question.

What's more, they don't even have to be moving. For some reason, hitting escape stopped the animation, but the illusion was still apparent.

I believe he is referring to the fact that you must live underground to survive, and not the semi-bald male.

My first thought was "I wonder what we'll crash into." Perhaps my ears are worse for wear, otherwise, I wonder why he didn't touch that subject.

Sorry, I meant woman.

Wow. I had to rewind that video a couple of times to actually listen to what that yellow nipple had to say.

I have an outie :D

:O If it were the same, then what's the point of this electricity to electricity converting gizmo!

OK, lol. Whatever it is, I find it ridiculous too XD

You obviously aren't enthusiastic about music or don't perceive sound as well or don't need them on for extended periods. Which is not a terrible thing per say, but I'm sure you have something else you spend all you hard earned cash on that some other people find unreasonable.