I have an outie :D
I have an outie :D
:O If it were the same, then what's the point of this electricity to electricity converting gizmo!
OK, lol. Whatever it is, I find it ridiculous too XD
You obviously aren't enthusiastic about music or don't perceive sound as well or don't need them on for extended periods. Which is not a terrible thing per say, but I'm sure you have something else you spend all you hard earned cash on that some other people find unreasonable.
Haha. Try listening to a decent pair once, you'll see.
You should definitely try the Shure's next time around then. Almost deaf.
Nope. Not as much as 6 hours.
"It's forced me into this URL ~atmosphere~ now, which is stupid, it's like, all this pressure." I think this is the major problem with windows 8 adopters in general. Isn't that why you opened the browser in the first place? To go to a F-URL?!
LOL. What a ... lol.
I'm glad I wasn't the one to say it this time.
Ah, I don't suppose you've seen the recent nanos then.
I can't remember creating this username.
Funny thing is, can we not say the same wrt the generation preceeding those times when you had to stand close to the phone and, whoa, manually dial each number? Those old chaps had to bruise their balls on donkeys in order to say "Hello."
HAHA! May I know exactly how you did this? I've had GTAIV installed on my computer for ages now, but always just played it on the 360 instead.
I don't understand your Media makeover point. I much prefer WP's to iTunes. What I don't like are the apps that make it onto the applications list. Bible, really? I'd also like the list accessible from the now playing menu. I've never complained about th brightness settings too. Nothing to lose with a slider, however.
I want to believe he knew that and was just messing. Don't reply if you didn't. OR lie, yes, that's fine too.
I found many of these quite interesting, haven't seen any not worth the look actually.
Quite inaccurate. It depared from Abuja and was about to land in Lagos. The airplane had been under repair for two weeks before the crash and was in no condition to fly on the day of the accident. The Indian management however wouldn't hear of this.
I'm sure he had pictures uploaded on there somewhere.