
@nootron: but this one has bigger pixels!

@tasteskindasalty: Ahem ... HTC cameras arent over-saturated. Their major problem has always been loss of details, slow shutter speeds, cheap lenses(i assume). You get much better pictures changing the ISO to 800 and setting the metering mode to average. Rule low light pictures out completely!

@jasonbarone: If you want over saturated pictures like the iphone then just do that and up the contrast and saturation +1

@Chinedu Opara: but there's a 1ghz min limit so i guess thats irrelevant now :)

@tech-tard: Ironically, I can never get used to swype on a phone; however, I can see myself using it on a tablet. See that video where the dude on the train was holding it with one hand at the top of the device? THAT! is the perfect position to swype imo.

@Celtic1888: Next on the list - voiceover pictures!

@hukkamonni: The zune HD's browser is from ie6 and that runs reasonably well too.

@Secretone: His is a desktop Windows. Big difference.

@rockboy04: Exactly what I was thinking!

@Kody217: You'd be suprised :)

I find it amusing, people trying so hard to find scientific reason for occurences like this; specualting about the complicated when the answer is right there infront of them. Have you heard of burn-in? Yeah, thought so.

@Crunch: I was going to slam you for your inital assumption. Something about the following paragraph made me slam myself on the floor instead.

@RT100: I can too. The screen has to be at least 32" tho.

@ModernBawhair: So its ok to scream on paper but not on the internet. *taking notes*

and when these kids are graduation

@Arbron: I tipped the text!