
@The Lab: My cellphone can never, NEVER! replace my watch. I feel naked without it!

@tande04: Yeah, me too. What's a myTouch without the keyboard? Wasn't that the point of the myTouch branding?

@Squalor: since there is no comma, when they are traumatised, they just expire.

@Lupison: We'll just post so many replies, someone will have to.

must ... not ... click ... link ... *click*

@PopularOutcast: They've tweaked the messages selection row, you know, the one that read: "Select: All, None, Unread ... ." Now its just some drop down with a checkbox as an icon. While it looked genius the first time and saves some screen estate, after using it only once, i noticed my mark-them-all-as-read speed has

@kapanak: Subconsciously or not, I think the effort is considered.

@rumski: My laptop is always lying on my sofa's arm wrest, waiting for even the slightest drop in tv interest.

@sam-a: MIDnite ... id have bought it for the sole reason it was being released on my birthday, but resistive - bluetooth keeps me in the market.

i would have sworn it was my dyslexia, but i checked too many times. she spelt hpoa hopa the first two times!

@Fuzzy Logic: That alone discredits the article!

If an application says "grant me rights to send texts on your phone" and you accept, thats technically not malware is it? Is it?

Got bored before the first minute. The bad video perhaps? Who knows.

@valdesjon: I knew I couldnt be the only one! "cool, what phone is that?" ... I facepalm everytime, not from their ignorance, no, just the thought of the long convo thats inevitably going to occur afterwards.

If this is real, pity that serial number wasnt hidden

@LTMP: Its 4. Argue.

@Squalor: Blasphemy aside, whats eXistenZ?

@starkbeats004: I assumed those were the cross-sectioned bonec.

... if only Robert Green had watched this video ...