
The first and probably last time in the Hall of Fame’s history that a band was inducted by a unanimous vote of the members.

Now playing

I’m simply going to hope and assume that Secretary Tillerson learned his manners from fellow Texan Judge Roy Bean, and crafted his apology accordingly....

It’s very probably several things. Including but not limited to:

I’ve been thinking a lot about this, and it seems to me that a better policy would be to try to live your life so that nobody WANTS to say mean things about you when you’re dead, or you haven’t given them much material to work with.

I read the article and followed two of the links to the subject’s own work. In the process, I learned more about Mr. Douchecanoe than I ever really needed to know. Ms. Rife went easy on him.

We should put them all on a rocket and send them into space to blow up an asteroid!


I figured it out the other evening (thanks partly to a recent snow day movie marathon): not a comic book villain, but a comic book movie villain, specifically—

Well-played, madam or sir. Very well-played. Thank you.

Sure there are! There’s the Millennium Falcon! And those X-Wing knock—

Amen to that. You know what happens when heroes age in real time? You get 60-year-old Roger Moore James Bond limping around San Francisco while hitting on women old enough to be his daughters and trying to look like he’s spry enough to be his stunt double during explosions and fistfights.

That’s about right. I might flip Nemesis and Insurrection merely because the latter is at least reminiscent of a mediocre, late-season Next Generation episode, while in the former Stuart Baird makes J.J. Abrams look like a Spock-ear wearing Trekkie and the price for Patrick Stewart’s return (“What if we let you drive

Well, sure the commander can try to make that decision about who’s going to be eaten, but what if somebody would rather eat Hodges?

Yes. Darwin’s major insight was into how speciation occurred.

But it did... search your feelings... you know it's true.

And now I want to go back and watch the original trilogy with the headcanon that Chewie pretty much doesn’t understand English (or Basic or whatever) and is totally and completely confused by everything happening around him.

They need to add this to the next entry in the Dead or Alive franchise, because maybe that’ll make the games less... more... no, le—... because that will totally change the games’ sleaziness quotient in a positive or negative direction.

It costs less than a game of Ghosts’n’Goblins did back in 1985, and you lasted nearly five times as long as anybody ever did on their first quarter and have the option of infinite free replays.

Thank you. Just... thank you.

That’s a shame. It’s a lot funnier with the little smile at the end.