

And the related issue of artificial gravity on a ship going out and everything starts floating around in random directions without any signs of anything exerting enough force on them to push them around. (Even 2001 got that wrong with the pen-floating scene during Heywood Floyd's trip to The Moon, though I'm willing

I couldn't help thinking the physics are totally wrong. I also couldn't help thinking it was better than Prometheus. (And yes, it absolutely was cute and well-animated.)

For how many centuries have fairy tales started with, "A long, long time ago in a land far, far away"?

Earth: the first frontier. This is the shore-leave of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore well-trodden paths; to seek out the familiar and known; to timidly go back to that place we went for lunch last week, the one with the nice wall-hangings and the cute waitress with the piercing in her nose,

If they had to do an origin story, they could've started with Kirk transferring to the Enterprise after Christopher Pike's injury; he's just been elevated to command, the established crew has no reason to trust him and remains loyal to his predecessor, they have adventures.

Wait—that could be what redeems the Abrams franchise! John Harrison becomes Emperor of the Terran Empire! Abrams Trek isn't just an "alternate timeline"—it's the origin story for the Mirror Universe!


If the universe were full of technologically advanced civilizations, we'd expect other evidence of their existence. Radio transmissions are an obvious example—the human species has been leaking radio waves into the Great Whatever for more than a century (assuming for the sake of argument that the earliest

And he did make it worse. The original script was a mess and needed work fleshing out the characters, punching up the dialogue and tightening the third act; but the characters' motivations and actions were more sensible, it was much more of a science-fiction movie, and the plot held together better.

I was very excited by the thought my Who/T.J. Hooker slashfic had been optioned and I just hadn't heard from my agent yet, but now I am very sad and disappointed, notwithstanding the raised possibility of a Shatner-v.-Simm cage match.

I think it's obvious Benedict Cumberbatch will be playing Gary Mitchell in the next Star Wars movie, it's not even worth arguing about.

Any DC or Marvel superhero could have defeated the Death Star by distracting The Emperor and Darth Vader with delicious Hostess Twinkies Cakes (no one can resist their delicious, golden sponge cake and yummy creamed filling) and/or Hostess Fruit Pies (with their tender crust and real fruit filling). Even Aquaman. (Ex


I'd further submit that the remaining scenarios also fail to take into account how widespread, resilient, and creative human beings are, so that while something like a nuclear war (to grab an example) might end what we generally consider civilization, there's some chance that remote human populations in places like

Are they talking about me? No, wait, I don't want to know.


Alien is a tense, atmospheric, well-paced science fiction horror film that was transgressive at the time (a male character is raped and impregnated in the first act; the leading man ostensibly starring in the film vanishes in the second act; the then-unknown actress in an unlikable, "bitchy" co-starring role turns out

Wait, you mean in real life assailants don't line up and take turns attacking one at a time the way they do in the movies? ;)

Yes, but the twist is that he's a booking agent. "Hey, hey, hey! Shuddup a minnit, willya? I didn't say the Evil Empire didn't wanna come and play in your venue, I'm just sayin' it can't take less than ten points from the door and advance sales as a matter of principle. What, you got a liquor license, right?