
Another little known or recognized fact regarding John Lennon-do you know why we know about his abuse of women? Because he told us. He was illustrating what an angry rat bastard he was as a young man, what a crap boyfriend and shit husband he was to his first wife, Cynthia. Not a secret he was no saint.

I live my life one quarter throttle press at a time.

Net Neutrality would be GREAT! Because hey, they've never lied to us before, right?

But it does sound better than "Super-Cooled Nickel Ball is kind of cool but absolutely not as cool as super heated nickel ball." .. although in truth that does have a nice ring to it.

No in-App Purchase, no ads, no annoying trailer, no slideshow of company logos. This might mark a new era... :)

I you had said "official Gawker Media uniform" I would have actually believed you.

Do you know what this guy and that headline have in common?

No different than the left's hatred for anything Bush for 8 years. Hell, they'll still invoke that hatred to this day. many bills were / are sitting on Harry Reid's desk again? I seem to have forgotten...

That's pretty funny that for the past 6 years the Democrats was majority in the Senate and the only thing they passed was a bill we couldn't see until it was passed. That is obviously AHCA or "Obamacare". Which is really a tax on the middle class cause lets face it the rich aren't going to pay for it and the poor they

Actually, there was no design nor construction of this computer in any garage. It was designed and built in my HP cubicle at night and in my Cupertino apartment. The designs were passed out freely with no copyright notice so that others could build a useful computer at low cost. Others even had hand-built versions of

I think the point of the Mother Jones piece was that coconut water is wildly (and falsely) heralded as the saving grace of people at risk for dehydration (i.e. those with hangovers, the intensely athletic, etc.), when in fact that is very much not the case. And can actually have the opposite effect, considering its

*brought to you by coconut water

I didn't know anything coconut related was so hated that it needs an article talking it up? The things you read on the internet huh!

That sure looks like a lightning cable.

This "run along, little Timmy" hand gesture to an officer. It violates every inch of idealism strung and tensioned inside my fibrous being. I despise that feeling, and I despise this squid.

Dear Squids,

I don't think they want you to replace your entire homes electrical system like that. It's to add more functionality to the lights you have or to add a switch where you don't have one. Why would you count your light switches?

That's because the Surface Pro 3 isn't really a tablet. It's an ultrabook with a touchscreen. Right now, tablets are identified as running a mobile operating system.

The face that deputy has is exactly what I would have on: