Because Jezebel is a fucking joke. Then again so is she, but even she realizes your lack of “journalism”.
Because Jezebel is a fucking joke. Then again so is she, but even she realizes your lack of “journalism”.
The anova is back to regular price at .
The anova is back to regular price at .
I think it looks great, and I’m not talking about “she has a great personality” great.
wrong, fuck gawker. Hogan had every right.
Love Jalopnik, fucking hate every other part of Gawker. Glad to see this won't go bye bye.
You’re an idiot if you believe that.
Please, please read this book (A Higher Call) if you are interested in WWII or planes, it’s a great read.
does everyone in London have a car related Youtube Channel? 50 “photographers” for every exotic car.
Right, i’m sure they never thought about safety at all. Brilliant.
The Patriots played like shit yesterday and STILL came within a 2 point conversion of winning. The Broncos Barley one.
You are so wrong it hurts.
Why are you on this site then?
The ghost rider (not nicholas cage) has done the Turbo Hayabusa in videos.
This is you for the lat few posts. It’s great, and it makes me happy to see you act so...what was it...Intellectually disabled? Keep it coming.
Based on your no stop name calling...”semi-functional mentally retarded persons”...” dips hit”,
You are just making yourself look stupid, stop. marrying a Republican doesn’t make you one.
Yeah history is great, Lincoln was a republican, and MLK was too. What is your point?
And.....the Democrats are the opposite? The same exact thing can be said about the Democrats and MSNBC, CNN... use your mind and stop being a sheep.
uuuuh. wow, you are clueless. Sure she is, if you say so!
Go home Arianna, you’re drunk.