
The courtroom scene was definitely underwhelming. The outcome was a foregone conclusion given that it was the finale. If they’d had the courtroom scene in episode 3 or 4, I could have seen the custody going to Mary Louise, with Celeste then having to fight back and uncover Mary’s Louise’s secrets to regain custody.

They were good together comedically but I don’t think they had any believable romantic/sexual type chemistry. Just personal opinion.

but this is bullshit. nobody can prove that perry did say that to her, it’s not even on the record, because it never came up as a testimony of Celeste, only during the questioning, so it didn’t make much sense to me anyway.

Well put. I like that the show showed these layers of complexity rather than reducing her to a black-and-white villain.

So no reference this season at all to Ed creeping on his stepdaughter? Did I just imagine that from season one??

It’s funny you should say that, because I was thinking back to a moment in season one that seemed to imply there was something sinister under the surface with Ed. He showed up at one of Bonnie’s yoga classes to talk to her about something and stared creepily at the women in the class, then said something along the

Yes, there were reshoots as well. Honestly if this were something like a Star Wars film the narrative would be ‘the first cut was awful and required extensive editing and reshoots’.

Not challenging you here, but why did you find Ed so compelling? To me that character was an utter bore. One issue I have with Adam Scott is that he rarely seems to have genuine chemistry with the actresses he’s paired with. I’m not sure I really bought him and Madeline as a couple.

Unfortunately I think that's just Adam Scott...

Every single episode started with the same fucking flashback of “YOU DIDN’T PUSH HIM.” I get the decision for consistency but I really think we only needed to see it once, particularly since we saw the whole scene in the season before.

Can’t stand Adam Scott, with that teeny tiny mouth. Ed seemed like a schmuck, and particularly laughable with his punching back. I first saw him in Parks & Recreation and wondered why Amy Poehler’s character was attracted to him.

Take away the meryl streep storyline and you have a better season. Putting her in the show made the writers create this very predictable storyline and ending and it was just a distraction from the magic of the first season.

I liked the rest of the finale for what it’s worth. Thought that last scene with Renata went from being great to horrible. How did a show that’s been so sensitive about DV end with one of its female leads heroically hitting her husband in the chest with a baseball bat?

*hits husband in the chest with a baseball bat*

I never want to hear that version of Have You Ever Seen the Rain again in my life.

I’m so pissed we didn’t get the Arnold cut. If they released it, I guarantee it would be a much better show, and would likely match season 1. 

I have seen this elsewhere. They are definitely pushing this narrative, and it doesn’t make a lick of sense. For those who are having trouble leaving any industry, may I suggest trying one of the following:

I came here to say the same thing. I’m a women’s health advocate (at work and in my personal life), and if you don’t want to work at an abortion clinic, you don’t have to. My OBGYN bounced between providers that did and didn’t perform abortions because that was the natural course of her career.

I don’t care. I’ve been in love with her since I was a kid, and will continue to believe the is perfection incarnate.

Lisa Frank is clearly a "Pink Aisle" artist.