
I think a lot of that has to do with physics. A lot of CG work is still basically smashing paper dolls together. They don’t spend the work programming the variables of gravity and momentum and making sure all ten million moving parts are rendering properly.

Sato: Based on your question, it seems like you have an emotional attachment to Godzilla based on the character costume method.

Yea. Because the point of what I wrote was to make people feel bad for me. I’m sorry you haven’t had health insurance for 5 years but this isn’t a pity contest. The fact that our healthcare is set up the way it is that it allows you to go without for 5 years is bs and needs to change but your tone towards me is

I disagree; I quite like it. Why do you think your personal preference is the same for everyone else? And furthermore, regardless of everyone’s opinion on the style, who are you to tell someone to not do something they want to do? Get over yourself.

What if...just maybe...they’re not doing it for you?

I see your point, but the title of this post isn’t “how to work while you’re supposed to be not working on vacation.” There are plenty of reasons why someone might work and travel at the same time! Maybe they have a business meeting that requires them to travel. Maybe, as mentioned, they’re one of those digital

Don’t worry, Pokemon Go will not eat through your data allowance, because it only works for like 25 min before draining your battery.

Never heard of any class action, why wasn’t this mentioned anywhere on the internets? I’m n daily and am and have been for years as I work in tech and It and never once heard about any of this. Someone owes me several payments....or I’ll settle for a Happy Meal. Whichever comes first damnit

Well then strangle it first and go with the flow.

Not the first time they’ve hidden fake loading messages in plain sight.

I feel like there should be a “guns for Miter saws” trade in going on. More people should focus on creating rather than destroying.

I feel like there should be a “guns for Miter saws” trade in going on. More people should focus on creating rather

Wait, when does the Zelda II map turn into Zelda I? I’ve never heard that.

Well, there is this big callback.

It’s cute how people seem to think that Zelda has a timeline.
