Sharon O.

But what kind of a douche bag is like, “Here, fax these post-its,”??

I have sooo much to offer to this entry and its comments but I’ll leave it at this. The one thing I love more than almost anything is no matter the changes time travel brings, the one thing that stays constant is Lorraine’s jailbird brother. Dude was just destined to be behind bars. Brilliant.

A bit of backstory here: my husband spent all of his life thinking he never wanted to marry, till he met me. So years and years of relationships where the commitment was “I love you, but no marriage.””

Sorry, what exactly are they being accused of? Are they rigging a win for 2022 or just awarding where the cup will be held?

I was so into MTV Spring Break as a kid (in the 90s I was really into the college scene as an 11 year old thanks to Reality Bites, PCU, "college rock," etc. I still think those were the superior times to be a college kid but I digress). The performances were really good. Remember when Radiohead did Creep live and Thom