
Smokey McBong Water - Hilarious!

And the piranhas are circling now. Why is it when the finger is pointed the other way every mac fanboi screams "unfair" but just RELISHES when they get to point it the other way. I just love proselytism. And it only took 5 minutes - that might be a record!

You hit the nail on the head. They want change but don't have the conviction to affect it. They are essentially a bunch of whining brats who want someone else to change the world so it's the perfect little playground for them. Life is hard, the world is harsh, you privileged 90s kids should take a look at our

They were disrupting traffic which is civil disobedience. That eliminates the "peaceably" context. If they wanted to protest, like someone else said, go to the side of the road and quietly, RESPECTIVELY protest. This isn't a revolution, have respect for others trying to go about their lives.

First off, what people consider "brick" isn't really bricked. You can make it so the boot loader doesn't load, which will force your phone/device to either continuosly reboot, or not boot at all - this is what people consider "bricked". The only time the phone is truly bricked is if you were to mess with the

A microcontroller is not the same as a microprocessor. A microprocessor has just a cpu/alu, maybe some registers, and an i/o interface. A microcontroller contains both the cpu/alu, registers, ram, and rom. It's sometimes called a computer on a chip, or sbc. Microcontrollers are normally used for embedded

Actually, it's not root that gives you that. It's a custom bootloader which gives you that. You NEED root to install the bootloader but just having root doesn't give you a custom bootloader.

The physics are the same, yes, but the scale is not "a little bigger". It's bigger by several orders of magnitude. You can do that in an RC 3D capable plane (most off the shelf RC planes can't do this in fact) because the thrust to weight ratio is so high. A 3HP engine gives you approx 1500 ft/pounds of force.

Hmm, so the stall speed of an A321 Airbus is approx 180kts (depending on load, flaps, aoa, and altitude - notice no mention of AIR SPEED). Are you saying that the head wind, at that altitude, is at least 180kts to prevent a stall? What, is it a hurricane or something? Trick photography is trick photography. You

Dude, you have to realize Gizmondo is full of apple fanbois - I think it's their mecca. You have to expect if you drop something like that they are going to go into a feeding frenzy. It's funny, what is absent is those same fanbois saying how much more secure any Apple platform is. That was their rallying cry