
That’s the thing: notice the “dark times” he’s referring to aren’t those of women being sexually assaulted (as this article seems to imply at the end of the Piven section) - no, the “dark times” we’re facing are because “allegations are being printed as facts.”

Man, I am also so sick and tired of these people acting like unplanned pregnancy only happens because the woman was a big ol’ irresponsible dumb dumb who just didn’t feel like using birth control. Unprotected sex happens for SO many reasons. Sometimes one or more parties are drunk. Sometimes you forget to take the

Yes, but they were in AMERICA. In America, we clamp down on your hand like a vice, stare directly into your eyes as a display of dominance and shake until a little bit of poop falls out.

Maybe someone else knows more about this, but here is my guess as to why this was voted down.

I have really dry skin (and hair too) naturally all over and my lips are just the worst, basically cracked 100% of the time. Can cosign, Fresh lip products are a godsend!

“Ladies, ladies. Don’t fuss over politics. So complex and boring. Why, you’ll give yourself forehead wrinkles thinking about that stuff. You just concern yourself with those sexy thigh-high boots, alrighty?”

I’d chip in to a fund to help folks get there for it! I’m on the other side of the country so it’s sort of not possible for me to get there, as plane tickets are expensive, but I’d love to support folks who are going. I’ll be there in spirit at least.

Truth. If you go, know that you are representing so many who wish they could be. We will be wishing you well. We will be thankful to each and every one of you for pissing on his parade. Every piss counts. There is not enough piss in the world. Godspeed.

I’m debating going to my state protest. I think the big fights over the next 4 years will be on the state level, so that’s where I want my voice heard on Inauguration Day. But I will also be 7.5 months pregnant and my state (Michigan) just passed some fascist anti-protest laws. I’ll have to talk it out with my partner

I’m in DC anyway, so I’ll be at the march. If you’re planning on going and need a place to stay, post on Pantsuit Nation on FB or something. Lots of people, including myself, are opening our homes to house protesters.

If you can afford to... go. Realize that for every protestor there are at least a hundred more who for whatever reason can’t go. (poor, work, health etc)

Back in the 2000s it was a common tactic for protestors to organize at rallies by their willingness to risk arrest. People who could not risk arrest were “green,” and stayed in the permitted areas. People who were “yellow” or “red” and were willing to risk arrest had to be prepared for that possibility. That included

I clean my prep dishes and such after putting everything on the stove. My girlfriend only then has to wash the pot/pan/whatever and tableware, which works out fine.

Oh no no no. Fuck off celebrities. This is MY thing. I’ve been rocking a cane for a few years now because I need it to like walk properly and shit. I didn’t want some average simple cane from the drug store so I stepped up my fashion game and got a nice one with a brass skull and everything. You are NOT making this a

I've once killed a cactus. in a massive way. not sure I can take responsibility for the life of a moss. #garden