
What? Why? I loved that film as a pre-teen when it came out. Haven’t seen it since though. LOL 

I watched it a few months back and was blown away by her performance. She projected mental illness in such an honest way. I don’t get the hate for the film. 



Dinner for Five was all over youtube and they took them all down. Errrr...

How does a short twink play a tall hunky guy? And win an Oscar? SMH

And? I happen to be half Black and Mexican and live in a community where Mexicans often vote in support of conservative politicians. This despite during the pandemic when our Board of Supervisors fought for golfers rights and ignored the needs of our migrant communities. This is in the fucking Central Valley, CA where

Not only that, it wasn’t until the 70s/80s that Mexicans were labeled as such on their birth certificates. They were all listed as white. So we got Spanish who are labeled as white, despite some of them culturally being extremely Latine and then you got Mexicans who culturally are conservative and consider themselves

Nooooooo!!! LOL

Oh, Justin! I adore you but that response is horrible! Tone fucking deaf. 

This story makes no sense. Texting is a feature that has been around way before smart phones.

Damn! Thanks for the wiki rabbit hole, I went on tonight. LOL

So did Gavin’s wife leave him after he fucked her bestfriend? Or was it his best friends wife? What the hell did he do to her to make her go MAGA? That’s reason enough to not support his quest to be president. 

The internet used to be so much fun. 

Wow! Thanks for the tv history lesson. How did I miss this? 

I never have to log-in. LOL

Outside or the big event stuff, are there marketing strategies for this stuff?

Can’t wait to see the cast become big stars. 

Why is the pro-lgbtq movement just now getting wind of this? If they were a real gay couple, wouldn’t you want them rallying the base?  My lord our side is so bad at this shit. 

How one chooses to transition is none of your or my business.