
Future tip for film executives and producers, don’t hire a zero charisma  unlikeable actor to be the lead in a rom-com….straight or gay. 

Remember when Lilly Tomlin performed Saint James Infirmary? Would something like that ever happen on today’s show? 

How to overstay one’s public goodwill and turn one’s self into a comic book villain?

I thought the time reversal was the ending for part 2 and because they couldn’t resolve the first, they used it.

I’m surprised this is a thing. Learning lots. 

So they fake falls? Cool! 

Ouch! LOL

I wonder if the COVID/wedding story has enough legs to become an issue for Wilde

In other words, a new Bjork album.

Lil Nas is starting this grow out of his twink body. It’s one thing to be a gay twink and totally another to be manly and black. I’m real curious to see all this play out. Oh, and can we talk about Harry’s tattoos. They clash with his outfits all the time. 

Wayne Brady, the Brady Bunch cousin no one talked about.

No! No! No! That’s not how life works! Can I call you Becky?

Booooooooo!!!! Lol 

There is nothing in this article that hasn’t been posted on the AVClub prior. Dead horse be dammed. 

And his name is George…George Glass.

The format of its site is what turns me off. 

You’re trying to hard. Undo- Bjork

They both started off as stand up comedians. During their day, there weren’t that many female comedians.  As close-nit as the comedy circuit is, it would be weird otherwise.


Baby Boom! Is Diane Keaton greatness undervalued?