
Booooo! Lol

Damn. Some of of you all need to

Intimacy coaches for entertainment industry was a huge win. 


Boooooo! Lol 

I’ll be that guy and say my favorite scene of his was eating his own brain in Hannibal. 

Booooo!! booooo!!!

I didn’t buy into any of the “Sally gets her own show” plot. I think it’s cAuse I give zero cares about the character. 

And Annabeth Gish. Kinda Cold for the reviewer to not mention her and then refer to he character as “mom”. 

Which is how life plays out from time to time.

Not a finger!! Lol 

Davidson’s goodbye was two minutes to long, like his five minutes of fame.

Nice write up! I’ll have to give the movie a chance. I wasn’t old enough when the film first came out and will admit it’s reputation is the reason I’ve stayed away.

I’ve seen Madonna twice and each time she pulled out her guitar, I would walk out the show and grab a drink. Watching her strain to play could well be the biggest affront of all time. 

Someone put together their David Letterman appearances on YouTube. Pure movie heaven.

He also, and I say this as an African American, had a soft spot for Black films, even when they didn’t deserve praise…looking at you Crash.

True true.

Have you seen Brigsby Bear? For the longest I thought I had made it up in a dream. He’s got a very specific sense of humor and if speaks to me.