
Lean into your empathy muscles for a more resilient response. 

Wrong comment lol ignore 

Pam Grier! Know your Black Female History Folks!

I know I’m gonna sound old but I remember when website content contributes bad values beyond their narrow perspective. Shit, or at least an editor willing to kick an essay back and say, do more research- 

The point about her role in breaking gender rules is a great point but it’s not historically accurate. I remember a Cacie Cassem (?) who shared during his Top 40 weekend radio show that Janet was the female artist that broke the two song rule during the Control era. While AM might have broken this rule for rock

Sorry to the folks who responded to my initial post. Stupid comments tech. So, 1) no i am not a troll nor a plant. I work in this space and what folks are missing is: 1) how horribly managed the EDD process is. I had to pay $65 for an automatic system to reach a live person after three hole days of wait. Not his fault

I hate to do this but, wrong wrong wrong! You all ignored a young black mayor who championed all the progressive legislation we’ve all been begging for and now you all…. Ugh. Over it!

We need to stop labeling politicians by their party affiliation and instead call the whole lot what they are: The Party that can manipulate privileged folks to vote for them. It took how long to address Confederate iconography? 

We can’t even say the word “Racism” in California without the ruling Dem majority scurrying in fear.

So much privilege issued in this and it’s sibling sites. 1) the word actress is sexist as fuck, a point SAG Awards have been making for the past ten years now and nope. No chance. I look forward to all the privilege hate by pointing this out because outside of The Root and because they rarely focus on hot topics, The

Oh Jenkins, take some ego, humility and sensitivity classes, stat!

Not sure if this is for. Second of two reviews that bored me halfway in. I’ll try another and see what happens.

Cause privilege always privilege! I would say white people but then all the privilege folk gonna lash out at the black man for speaking the truth. /side eye 

I Want To Fuck You Like An Animal: Taylor Swift. Am I doing this right?

Someone needs to take away Marvel’s crack pipe, they are showing signs of day high with their leaning in, during the movie, on this BS. Once in the last Thor but they’re acting like it’s essential now. Sigh. 

Game shows have regulations! Thanks Touched By An Ángel!

The Aristocrats!

If the kids parents and Mindy Kaling approve, the kid from Champions. Why didn’t you all tell me about this show? 

Is this where are are going with pop coverage? Make up a theory and report it as news? #The AV Club. Am I Finally getting this place?

Not to black people who still get killed on a daily basis. What I loved about Enlightened is that it elevated the marginalized without exploiting them. I learned something about each of those characters that were in the background and even the Christian one walked away with her own faculty and integrity. Why did the