
She needs a better director cause I found her too bland to lead the film. 

She went to the Mrs. Freeling School Of Hardknock life! LOL How old would JoBeth Williams supposed to be when she had their eldest? like 13?

I spent the entire movie wondering what was going on with her face. I thought it was bad plastic surgery. 

Or both. I hate how people feel it’s appropriate to dismiss someone else’s feelings on racism. You can’t’ ! Have empathy and listen dick wad! 

So much whiteness! 

First of all, this article and specifically the hospitaled dude got me all misty but then you hit us with a double whammy courtesy of Nana Lake. Fuck I’m old.

Check out her album if you can. It’s very Lenny but in a good way. He’s much better as a producer of others IMHO. See Vanessa Paradise and Madonna’s Justify My Love.

If her role is substantial we are looking at a Best Supporting Actress win. Notice since Helen Hunt, how many female wins have had major roles in TV sitcoms prior or during their Oscar win? Helen, Janney, King…Oh wait, I guess it’s not that big a trend. LOL. Was Donna Reed before or after? Ditto question for Cloris

The Armond White of daytime trash.

They are all the original cast. With name actors taking voice over work in commercials and cartoons, of course they would do this 

Oh this post reminds me of the good ole days of the internet when even trolls had personalities and the quality of the feedback, while privileged and white white white, was still organic and community/topic based. 

Sorry, he’s always bored me. He exemplified one of my biggest Hollywood pet peeve. he got cast because some gay casting director had a twink white boy fetish. Kinda breaks my heart when you think what the two Corys  went through. Hopefully those days are over. Can’t wait for Greg Akkari gets the Larry Clark treatment.

You’re trying to hard, undo! -Bjork (and so is she of late)

While all this is true, he also has a streak of sadness and arrogance to him too. Outside of the Marvel films and the two Sherlock films, everything he has done or does has stunk.

The issue is that he, as director of the next Thor film, is technically her boss. They shouldn’t be busting slob...period. 

If this doesn’t show up as a female led comedy skit show premise, America has not progressed like we’ve been led to think. 

I love this man. So sensible.

No, not true. In California, 40% of us live in counties that are governed by racist asshats (almost 1 million blacks) and during the pandemic they let their freak flags fly proudly. Most of us have blue state and fed representation but they refuse to address our problems out of fear they won’t get re-elected. So all

Not really. I gave up after season 3. 

As long aa he’s naked! Hey women were objectified for odecades and we rarely get hot Mexicans on network tv. Sure he was a gang cliche but women and us gays finally got our LatinX eye candy.