
I really loved the pre-award nominee chatter and hope that somehow continues in some capacity---just make sure everyone knows what to do upfront. 

If your name isn’t Grace Jones or Lady Miss Kier, drug use in middle age just isn’t cut for most rock stars. The fact that Jones is 72 now and you still read stories of her debauchery and despite all the disclosures, every single story highlights how she was a hot mess in a life of the party kind of way and how the

As much as I love me Auntie Maxine, we gotta temper our enthusiasm. Here years being one of the most corrupt members of congress should never be forgotten. Least by her, so she never pulls that BS again. 

If EnVogue can bury the hatchet and reunite every now and then, these talented legends can too. Nobody looks good when you pull a Diana Ross. Well, actually, just Salt N Pepa, like Ross, will look bad historically. And let’s not kid ourselves, visually, their most iconic songs, videos and looks, incorporated Spin in

Yeah, I believe it. Have you watched her show? She *is* the funniest late night host out there. I say that and I love Seth Meyers. The less said about the asshat that is currently the host, the better. 

She better be The Tonight Show’s heir.

There’s now a lot of overlap. Anyone who works in music and film will not cross a union line. Grammys will move. 

Remember when Janet busted out on the scene and blew folks away with her live performance of Control? Or Ricky Martin with Living La Vida Loca? Can that ever happen again at the Grammys? 

I can’t stop crying. Its so heartbreaking. During this pandemic I have been obsessed with Spike Lee’s recording of Passing Strange because its such a beautiful story about a son’s love for his mother and how often mother and child’s relationships can has its struggle. (Rent it on Amazon if you haven’t seen it). I

And don’t tell me Biden doesn’t dictate equity goals when it come to contracts so you can’t say that’s the issue. And it keeps Rahm out of getting involved with issues of equity cause he will be too busy negotiating concrete contrats. LOL J/K....kinda. 

wtf lol

So did Whoopi! 

you site films that came out in 1979, 80 and 83 as trends for 87?

Cause Karens gonna Karen. 

not saying i do this and go back to sleep. not me ;)

ohh, the good ole days at the start of the pandemic. lol

like it or not but The Cosby Show was a huge validate for black folk during the 80’s. White folk are still holding on to confederate symbols hundreds of years later and you gonna a make issue when someone intimately involved with the art Bill Cosby makes, initially speaks from the heart and fails? fix your heart or

aren’t they already working on a reboot?

black people and women are held to different standards. the fact that she’s both gives her extra layers of attacks. they would have called her a mad black woman if she had.