Would have been much better with paint guns.
Would have been much better with paint guns.
Jupiter Rising via Netflix. My lord It is so horrible in a good way that only the Wichowsky Siblings are capable of.
Loved the show but it was so male heavy. He should do an entire female season to balance things out cause there’s so many great female comedians who haven’t appeared and then call it a day.
I’m happy most of the cast is back but Thomas Lennon is still a dick for firing members of his cast without even a fucking phone call. That has so hired me on him and this show I can’t even watch repeats nor have an interest in this. Kudos to Wendi McLendon-Covey for being a much bigger person for coming back (she was…
I love that it looks like they made an effort to be inclusive. Unlike, you know, Hollywood. All that was missing was a trans-female actor. Jamie Clayton would have fit right in.
Ouch! It’s the Korny Kollins Show boys and girls! ;)
and bitch, make my sammich too, amiright? :sideeye:
No, that god awful kid in the mansion talking about how sad it makes him feel that kids in this world don’t get to learn about arts let alone eat or have shelter ruined a good twenty minutes of my mood afterwards. Then it just started to bore me so I stopped. I’ll retry to watch the rest but as much as I love…
So is Chris Redd the first male SNLer to go for sexy funny and succeed? He has me all sorts a hot and bothered.
If you don’t live in Manhatten, you can find not too crazy rent. Same if you live in a suburb of LA. It’s just like congress members. (I know that world better.) Believe it or not, many members of Congress have roommates (other members of Congress). In fact, back in the day, everybody wanted to rent a house that a US…
When Duel, Pose and Fosse won a shit load of Emmy nominations and wins. And wasn’t that hot mess off a show about OJ his work too?
It scares me that his schlock has gained critical acclaim. We used to expect better from our t v shows. sigh....
So nobody here wraps these bastards in foil after microwaving them?
I don’t know, this one I would toss odd the bed. But the governor is the worst and is the reason NY is in the shitshow it’s in. He had the same intel we here in CA had. The difference is Newsom listened to experts and activist. And let me tell you, I know first hand that it took both of those groups to get Newsom to…
I hope whatever you are going through, which led to your comment, gets better.
So, for the big diesels, by CA law, they are only allowed to be idle for five minutes because of the toxic emissions.
I think the biggest issue is she wasn’t friendly with them. To her it was work. Plus, she and Estelle Getty didn’t like to rehearse which left Rhue and Betty to rehearse together which led to then really bonding.
Didn’t that get addressed in part 3? Or did I dream that? Or was that Spy? Lol
So they are going with a laugh track and staged settings? Totally missing what’s making the view and late night fun? The whole, thrown together in your own backyard feel. Smh