I’d report your company. We are already hearing reports of hospitals at peak capacity. (Technically, sadly, most hospitals, for financial reasons, tend to always run at near capacity.) That’s why everyone needs to stay home. Your CEO is an ass!
I’d report your company. We are already hearing reports of hospitals at peak capacity. (Technically, sadly, most hospitals, for financial reasons, tend to always run at near capacity.) That’s why everyone needs to stay home. Your CEO is an ass!
Thank you for restoring my faith in humanity. How the hell do you not mention Marlena being possessed when writing an otherwise awesome article. ;)
They can then a webinar into a writers room. Shoot, Whoopi is now hosting The View via Skye. Believe or not but that show has a writing team too.
I’m old enough to remember the Jessie Jackson revolution, the Jerry Brown revolution, the Howard Dean revolution. What seems new, to me, are all these articles acting like Sanders invented water. SMH
Hey, one of my volunteer responsibilities revolve around the census and I keep insisting to our stakeholders that we have to be creative because the shut gotta be done. Yeah the threat is serious but that doesn’t mean we can’t use some American ingenuity to get shit done.
That’s too bad. They could have thought outside the box and did web based skits, monologues and what not. It’s during these trying times when we need our jesters out front.
Except that Rebel doesn’t have a likable screen presence. Sidekick character actor is her lot.
I hate video interviews. Who is this hot no shirt wetness in this video?
OMG!!! Thanks for that “scare my neighbors” laugh.
Live in a junior apartment and started working from home almost a year ago. I love it!!! Except for that he Monday morning leaf blowing. Even on holidays. I want to kill the bastards!!!
I just read the brothers letter and Damn!!! That was some serious guilt projection.
Yes we can! The difference between Clinton and Biden is that Biden is increasing moderate voter turnout. He’s also winning back the moderates and independents that voted for Trump in the first place because, Hilary the evil woman, :eye roll: is not running this time.
Bingo! We did an event with President Clinton in 2005 and the fuel cost from San Francisco to Stockton, Ca was $50,000. That’s only 83 miles difference.
This! This! This.
Not a fan of the scorched earth approach to headlines is starting to get on my nerves.
KFC Nuggets
Sure, Jan. Thanks!
Wait, Turlock has direct flights to Chicago? Who knew? 😜
Im going to agree with you. However, her charisma and star power were on point and her presence elevated the film to totally higher level. And think of all the Oscar wins by non-people of color who coaster on their star power: Sandra Bullock, Julia Roberts, Paul Newman...just off the top of my head. Surely, JLO…