
Oscar winners also live longer. 

Not with the miss cast Glover as a lead. Still don’t understand why Disney Execs ever thought a forever man child could be the “make everybody man/woman/alien drop their panties” Lando. Not many actors got the charisma Billy Dee does, especially not Glover. 

Take a listen to Beck’s Debra. One of the best Prince sounding non-Prince song out there. 

These ladies are not protégés. They are artist in their own right that Prince invited to Paisley Park to perform and he championed them. A Prince protégé is Morris Day, Wendy and Lisa, Shiela E, Jill Jones.

A de-aged Adam Sandler!!!

Sure, Jan!! This is right up there with Aretha thinking Halle Berry should play her. 

As much as I loved this speech, me thinks Ackwafina’s historic win is deserving of its own thread. These wins, until they are common, are huge cultural moments and validate our youth of color who are often struggling with their own identity. I know it might not seem like a lot but trust me, it matters. 

See Todrick Hall’s feedback from RuPaul about him not paying his dancers and contractors: Speaking of famous friends, Todrick then decided to drop RuPaul’s name into this mess. Todrick says that Ru reached out after the accusations hit Twitter, and assured Todrick that it would all “blow over.

and an awful LGBT+advocate. He needs to learn his lane and realize with his god awful personality, less is more. 

The geekasphire has a huge hatred for little dude. I thought he did a decent job. Wasn’t annoyed at him like I have been with Disney show kids (I got nieces, ughh I hate those shows). 

I think the title reflects the degree earned, not the practice. Kinda like how lawyers can call themselves Esq. and a lawyer  even if they haven’t passed the bar.

But but, we just learned the pizza and cup of water trick. Maybe something similar would work for fries. Sometimes science just needs to catch up. See: The Karashian’s face and bodies. 

Look at his fundraising list he published. Tons of gay bundlers. Gays have always been a major fundraiser force for the dem party. As a former Speakee Pelosi trained DCCC finance director, I know. (btw: my former boss and I hated that I had to go through that training but it was right when she became speaker the first

What? Run a good campaign? He has benefited from great press and raising tons of cash from the gay white cisgender money machine (which has always only cared about other gay white cisgender needs). Everytime he has opened his mouth and been forced to speak off topic he has stuck his foot in his mouth and yet the press

Media shares in the problem by only posting photos of Ava when there are other women off color that could be spotlighted when making your point. Shoot, Kacie Lemmons got a major hit with Harriett but the folks at Jezebel seem to not know she or her film exist. 

Not only that but the director has final say on your ish. Actors, editors, costume artist, stunt artist all take their cues from the director. It’s one of the few true artist collaborations. If you can’t accept that, get the fuck out of Hollywood you fuckin hack!!!  

Yes, those comments plus his Ellen interview (and don’t start me on Ellen). 

Sorry, I disagree. After his comments about disliking The Last Jedi and his comments about Kelly, it’s imho that the dude is just stupid. Stupid beautiful actors need to remember to keep their traps shut. Seriously, what professional anything would use the term “lay the pipe”. As hot as it sounds coming from him, smh. 

I liked it when the essayist transcribed the video content. That was classy.