
Morgan, the mother, is a friend of a friend. I didn’t really know Maddox or the father, but my friend was very close to them. I remember her sharing pictures of when Maddox was born, her creating a gofundme page to raise money for Maddox’s cancer treatments.

They haven’t been told why their teammate has been kicked off the squad

Ok, so I work in insurance because I’m the devil, and I guarantee she’s suing so the kid’s family’s insurance will pay her medical bills. That is the only way she’ll get paid. Home or renters policies typically have low medical payment limits ($1,000 - $10,000) that will be paid regardless of liability, but to tap

Unless there is some major family turmoil going on here, I’m pretty sure this is about the fact that the kid’s father’s homeowners’ insurance policy won’t pay for her lost work time and pain and suffering unless she sues the kid even though it’s covered by the policy. I’m sure it’s been discussed with the father and

I even saw one on a friggin gas pump.

Oh wow, another misogynist woman-hating teenager who wants to murder women en masse because he was rejected by a female. This shit is getting real old. People - stop raising your boys to think that they are *owed* a woman. We are people, we have agency, we are NOT prizes that one can “win” by being nice or because you

Amazing how men are so threatened by a woman doing what a man has done for years. Doris Burke on College Basketball was a breath of fresh air. The women ESPN have used in the booth for college football are excellent also like Pam Ward. Note to all self appointed taste makers of what sports needs to be, shut the fuck

I have a feeling that the E-Cigarette Man isn’t going to look anything like the Marlboro Man

The best thing about Jez lately is how progressively grumpy Madeleine Davies has been getting. I love it.

An example of why good journalism and investigative reporting is still SO important in this country.

The most horrifying, and also the most heart breaking section, lies at the end:

Our state government is a shit show. It’s all gone south since Kasich won the govenor’s seat in 2010, which was also a banner year for Republicans in the state congress.

It has been a long time since I worked in an ER and had to deal with head trauma on a regular basis, but if I had to guess - subarachnoid bleed. That is a bleed in the head, not in the brain but above it, below the meninges. Early on, you are fine. Then you have a headache, then you are dead. Things can progress from


It either seems like Manziel is a detestable fucking prick or the Browns are bumbling fucks.

“Can I buy that lipstick?” “Sure, I’ll put it on your bill”

I should start a makeup brand called “DuckFace".

Counterpoint: Hyperbole is the greatest tool for stressing a point ever.