I dunno, Disney is suing Deadmau5 over the mouseheads he makes, because everybody confuses a cartoon character that's been around for a century for one of the most currently popular EDM producers/performers in the world. ::facepalm::
I dunno, Disney is suing Deadmau5 over the mouseheads he makes, because everybody confuses a cartoon character that's been around for a century for one of the most currently popular EDM producers/performers in the world. ::facepalm::
That's one play I don't think Trestman will be able to count on this season for the Bears
That's one play I don't think Trestman will be able to count on this season for the Bears
Bayern, Manchester City, AND CSKA Moscow were in the same group last year. Kinda crazy
I was able to find this..."Mikel Rico tells @carrusel that "Mateu Lahoz told us Iraizoz goal [disallowed] coz of offside Athletic player blocking [Malaga] keeper." That seems pretty ridiculous. Goalie had MORE than enough room to make a play on that.
I remember watching Glenallen Hill take BP at Dodger Stadium back in 2000. He became the 1st person to hit a ball that hit the JUMBROTRON above left field. Took out a couple squares of panels on it, so for the game there was a blank spot about 1/3rd of the way up it. That was ridiculous.
George Costanza would be a perfect architect for this city
"Now I know why the Cubs lose every season, they have more talent in the stands than they do on the field. Who threw that?!"
dammit, you beat me to it. At least the pitcher gets the assist, right?
hey! great job runamoker!
The even more amazing thing about this play? Somehow the Cubs are winning right now 7-6.
I remember when Jon Stewart was on Celebrity WWTBAM back in the day, and was going for $250K for an Alzheimer's foundation. When having to make a choice on whether to go for it or not, Regis reminded him "if you miss it, you and the foundation lose $93K and go back down to $32K", to which Stewart quipped "yeah,…
TCF Bank actually started selling alcohol a couple years ago (or might have been just this past year, i forget), anyways, they do have a deal with the NFL to allow them to serve alcohol on gamedays on a much larger scale than they do for college games.
I've never been married, however, as seemingly EVERYBODY on my Facebook feed is either engaged, married, or pumping out kids like we have to populate another planet in the next 10 years, I can assure you, given the amt of posts I see of "picked the flowers out!" or "got the venue set!" or "we've narrowed down the…
as a meteorologist, you know how many times a week I see somebody butcher lightning/lightening (and lighting)? Makes me wanna pull my hair out
I had to work during the ESPY's, but one of the few times I was going in/out of break room during it was during that Sterling never loved us bit. I wasn't even there and it made me cringe for those who had to sit through it. Who thought that was even remotely a good idea?? The fact he was even brought up at ALL was…
I guarantee you, it's not the "easiest fucking gig on the planet". It always amuses me, everybody who has always said "har har you can be wrong 50% of the time and keep your job har har har" actually has zero idea of what we actually do to produce forecasts and any intricacies of our job. If Ted Williams can be…
Yeah, it's totally worthless to keep the public safe and informed. While your profession IS extremely valuable to science and discovery about the human body, it apparently doesn't make up for your apparent worthlessness as a human being as shown by your extreme lack of tact, especially to random strangers. But alas,…
Oh really? You can see Clear Air Turbulence when flying at 34,000 feet? With your attitude, you must be a joy to work with.
As an aviation meteorologist myself, why don't you first do us the honors of eliminating yourself after such a display towards somebody's profession. Trust me, this isn't an easy gig, and the amount of schooling we go through to get our degree would blow your fucking mind. Have a nice day! :)