
It’s almost like Tim Burke is intentionally prioritizing golf over the NCAA tournament, because Tim Burke’s colleagues created a narrative that the NCAA is evil, so he is performing some sort of passive-aggressive boycott by watching a shitty golf tournament instead of a more entertaining American sporting event.

So you think it is right to have the government force you to do something against your deeply held religious or personal beliefs? Wow... I hope your deeply held beliefs never clash with anyone else’s lest you be on the receiving end.

Can other companies do similar?: Netflix removes manly action movies... Apple makes all iPhones within Georgia play Carma Chameleon twice a day... Starbucks cups are non denominational holiday design all year round....

Fine, in that case Hulk Hogan having sex with Bubba the Love Sponge’s wife isn’t news at all. The fact that Gawker thinks because Hogan talked about his sex life that means this video is news is one of the most disturbing things I have ever heard. If you go by that logic pornstars have no right to privacy whatsoever.

Security footage is not the same as a sex tape for christ’s sake. Not to mention that domestic abuse is far bigger news than Hulk Hogan having sex with his friend’s wife. Might as well say that posting the fappening is also a first amendment right.

Interesting. If they keep trading everyone, they might end up with the most innovative no-huddle offense in the league.

Check DeAngelo for High Blood Pressure; this is exceptionally salty. (True, but salty like a pretzel)

“If they can’t hold the line on the most high profile example of why their new rule was necessary, can they ever enforce it?”

You know who else compared Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf to Steph Curry? Steve Fucking Kerr, you worthless piece of shit of a writer.

I swear to God, that GD Milller Lite ad is so FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE to scroll over. I will never drink a Lite again. And I would on occasion. Good job, asshats, you lost at least $50 a year.

Am I biased because I have read the lawsuit and have followed the cases since they started along with the university’s reaction?

Greg meh’ed Italian food AND pizza once and I lost my shit.

Wow, superb defending. Did the team in read all lose their contact lenses or something?

And the Denver defense cheated by wearing kryptonite face masks.

i thought you said they were brothers. they look latino to me.

I’ve been using Sportsnet as my ONLY sourse for reliable news for 10, heck even 15 years now, dating back to the start of President Gore’s administration.’s never too ling before someone on Deadspin throws out the word bigot. Ironic you say bigot to me for not agreeing with the concept of satanism, yet you are defending a “religion” that apparently “trolls Christianity”. How is that different than what I am saying about satanism you “bigot”?

I love how we go from throwing someone out of their chair to “beating the shit out of” and “groping.” You escalate your rhetoric mighty fine for someone so against escalating situations

It's foolish to not get the entire story from the witnesses that were there. If we went around convicting everyone from one side of view then imagine how more fucked up the world would be.