
He plowed into a pregnant woman and ran away like a bitch, TWICE. How thick is your fat head?

Spoiler alert: the video isn’t worth wasting 5 minutes of your life

Look I’m for prop 1, but you’re making a hell of an assumption there. Not everyone willing to commit misdemeanor illegal bathroom offenses are necessarily also willing to commit felony sexual assault. That’s a complete logical fallacy, and I suspect, borne out Gawker Media’s bent editorial policy on sexual identity

If this reasoning fails when discussing gun laws, then it fails here too.

Kinda sounds like your argument against gun control

Definitely true. That’s also the same logic a lot of people opposed to stricter gun laws would use, though, don’t you think? “Someone willing to commit mass murder is not going to let any number of gun restrictions that make it harder to get their hands on an automatic weapon stop them from committing a more serious

While it’s not a sufficient reason to vote with Berkman on this issue as a whole, it’s delusional to think that some non-trans people won’t take advantage of laws allowing trans to be in the “opposite gendered” bathrooms or locker rooms by pretending to be trans. Will it be widespread? Probably not, but it’s enough of

....because Gawker exists, and they routinely cross post Gawker articles to Deadspin? It’s not like this is some sports only blog where if they want to talk politics, they have absolutely no other way to than to put a post out on their sports blog. Not the case here. And all they do is bash Republicans, and while I’m

You don’t get it. White conservatives are not people. You are allowed to hate on them and say nasty things that if you said about any other group you would be called very vile things. And then other people tell you how cool you are.

No. When crazy right wing blogs write stuff like this it’s not considered hyperbole. It shouldn’t be written off either. It’s uncivil, dangerous rhetoric.

You’re even denser than I thought. I guess I needed a sentence explicitly telling you why taking a stance against racism AND ripping white men all of the time is hypocritical. Sorry for overrating your intelligence. That's on me.

BINGO, all of Gawker media is extremely liberal in basically everything that they write. Liberals love to say how tolerant they are when in all reality, they are only tolerant if you agree with everything that they say.

I mean, probably. You mostly cherry-picked. The vast majority of the candidates last night were not in favor of any of the things you mentioned.

It would be so amazingly awesome if we just dissolved the United States. Liberals would suddenly run out of Other Peoples Money, who would they mooch off of instead?

Trust me, you run the entire Democrat peanut farm, they’ll be just as nutty. They have in the past.

Well, let’s see, we’ll have:

Yup. If Hillary can find the stage. If she can’t, Bernie the Socialist will make up for her not being there.

Only if you’re listening.

So you’re going to vote for an old Communist or a boring liar? Who’s the crazy one?

Challenge: This is the most liberal site I’ve read (yes, even worse than the Huffington Post). If Deadspin releases an article dissing the Democratic ticket, then I will post a video of myself running naked across a tennis court.