This dude went to full sail online, thats his own fault. What school is honestly gonna give you a good education online? I am a campus student and it is way different
This dude went to full sail online, thats his own fault. What school is honestly gonna give you a good education online? I am a campus student and it is way different
well,honestly I cant speak for every degree program. I myself am in recording arts. and for this degree program its what you take from it. I know some students who havent learned really anything and students like myself who applied themselves and actually received a quality education. It definitely what you make of…
Could you maybe Post any levels youve made or your name so i could maybe play your starred courses? i need new ones to play!
Actually that is a huge lie. I am a full sail student actually in class right now, and this is one of the best experiences ive ever had.
Have you made any courses I can play? or can i check your starred courses for new levels i can play!?
Could you post your mario maker name or any levels youve made so i could maybe this library of starred courses you have? (:
Could you by chance post your name on mario maker or codes to any levels you’ve made so I could find your profile and maybe play this library of starred courses you have?