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Makes perfect sense. That was my understanding of everything I’d read so far.

Wow. Just what we need. More arbitrary measurements of “beauty” standards. Thigh gap, anyone?

As a sort-of middle grounder (mostly divorced), I moved to a different continent. I still agonise over the idea that I am permanently broken because of my upbringing. I understand girls often carry this idea of permanent personality traits and abilities more than boys, so I’m trying to work around it from that

So how does one get over the trauma of cheating, then? Spending time alone only goes so far. It's not as if you emerge from your cone of silence and - tada! - you trust humanity again. If you wait until you're feeling 100% about anything, you'll probably do nothing.

I didn't think I could crush any harder on BioWare. They make great games, they create characters you care about, and they actually give a shit. I love this company so hard.

Most important question not answered: ...Alistair?

Good try, but Metzen still needs a lesson in privilege.

So what steps will he be taking to enact meaningful change? Or was it just a feel-good PR move? He may be sincere, but this is a situation that requires action as well as talk.

"There might be a way for you to get both the fast shipping and the video credit." Really? Can you not make your deep linking strategy so affected? At least be honest about what you're doing. Even a "Check our guide on how to get..." would be better.

If it is a representation of female genitalia, it would be a vulva, not a vagina.

Vulva, not vagina.

You might still want to keep the Facebook account in your Android settings, as that provides for a bunch of other login options on different sites and apps. But then, Facebook is evil, so maybe you don't want them watching your every move...

I highly recommend "You Just Don't Understand" by Deborah Tannen: Though its basis is centered around male-female conversation, it touches on cultural differences and expecations, as well. Some groups expect interruption to be a part of an active dialog, while others expect people to take