
What physical conditions of a pond could make it unsafe to rescue these girls or anyone? As for gators... not an excuse because there are methods to deal with them and the police should have been prepared, not to mention there were multiple officers. Snakes are the only real issue here and that could also be dealt

I’m sure they were white cops and Black girls..

Well, that’s one way to cut down on recidivism. It’s a shame society failed these kids enough that they were in this position in the first place.

It’s always the same tryhards saying “the gene pool is better off” or “the world lost nothing by their deaths” - even though they most likely won’t amount to anything greater than their anonymous internet comments.

A dozen comments blaming them for dying and showing not an ounce of humanity. You are trash.

I hope trolling like this gives you some small satisfaction because it’s apparent that you lead a miserable life. If I believed in God, I’d pray for you.

You’re a disgusting piece of shit.

Their young age is what makes it even more tragic. They had time to straighten themselves out, you fucking asshole.

I’m not going to say that these were good parents, but they weren’t necessarily bad ones.

Yea it is sad to have a rap sheet at such a young age, but we don't know how they grew up to drive them to do the things they did. Rap sheet is no excuse.

It’s not that this is the punishment that they should have expected. I haven’t read anything in this story that calls for the death penalty.

I don't like the comments I'm reading on here. Yea they ran from the cops, but basically saying because they ran from the cops they deserved to die is just as wrong as them running from the cops. They may have been bad apples but they still should have survived to be held accountable for their actions.