
I can only hope your comment continues to go ‘starless’ for as long as possible. So much blind stupidity in one comment. It’s like you can’t decide where to start cleaning up your livingroom because it’s just all so messy. So you just give up and go take a nap. That’s how your comment makes me feel.

May as well charge him with child molestation for every time he masturbates.

Meh, it’s about like our video games like Battlefield or COD where we go and fight some shadowy threat in some nameless Asiatic country, but it’s pretty well implied that it is China when they’re screaming at you in Mandarin. Same goes for any random middle eastern country...

Fuck yeah, 360° Noscope!

Get some Mountain

You’re like me...I need solitude. There was a deserted wing of the building at my old job that used to house executives. The bathroom there had fancy tile, marble sinks, mouthwash, was awesome! Nobody knew it was still accessible, so it was like my own private poopatorium!

Now I have a new job, and we have a

Now playing

Why get just lights when you can have verbal encouragement instead!

Why is the train moving so slowly in that picture?

That’s pretty cool. Let’s get an enhance on the bacteria.

Ant-Man is on Hawkeye’s shoulder.

Just one

It’s a selfie stick.

I didn’t like any of this. As someone who has been cheated on multiple times, this made me queasy. I didn't like his answers or candor about it. No I will not "find myself in this situation someday", if I am with someone and want to be with someone else, I'll end my current relationship first cuz I'm not a fuckhead.

as someone who’s been cheated on a few times and was able to cover it up through technological means, i’m fine with it.

Society doesn’t help with that message. Jesus, Cosmo is always running articles like, “Ways to keep your man interested/turned on/not cheating!” and let’s not forget that gross piece in the wake of the Ben/Jen and Gwen/Gavin break-ups that read as a how-to for women on preventing your husband from banging the nanny.

I’m not worried about my wife finding out, but if my girlfriend knew about it, hoo boy...

Good cover Sam!


Why are the balls black, instead of white?