
Petty as fuck, but technically correct! I like you. Seriously. I would never have noticed.

Er, no. If you must be a grammar Nazi, you should get it right.

This seems like as good a place as any to recommend Paprika, a film that was everything Inception wasn't. I'm not even sure I understand what happened in that film, but it captured dream logic better than any film I've ever seen.

Hey, do you have any sources on the queer voodoo information? I read some tantalizing references to the queer interpretations of voodoo on Wikipedia, but nothing was cited in the article, and Google doesn't turn up much. I'd love to read more about it if you know any more sources.

No you won't.

The man never failed to remember Unforgettable in his life!

"I thought you had a bachelor's from Columbia."


Great comment, though I've always suspected that if Americans really liked underdogs as much as we claim to, our Civil War identification figures would be, you know, the slaves. Doesn't get much more underdog than that.

(Three of the ostensibly Conferedate protagonists are conveniently involved in the Underground Railroad.)

I complained about this last week too, but that set-up would have worked so much better if she knew her husband was gay, and their marriage was another political machination on her part. They could still find ways to wring sympathy out of her situation (what started out as a savvy plan has turned into a prison of a

To be fair, I have seen actual internet Civil War arguments where someone will mention that they always believed, based on this scene, that the fight wasn't about slavery. At least one argument I can remember had someone butt in to use the scene as countering evidence, a la "Yeah, you can argue with your primary

I honestly assumed from Fig's first scene with her husband that they both knew he was gay. It seemed in keeping with her ruthless pragmatism: he wanted a fake wife, she wanted political power and a baby, it's a deal they can both live with. I still feel like that story would have been more in character for Fig, and

In season 1, someone (probably Larry) explains that federal prisons don't allow conjugal visits. So at least within the show's reality, that's the reason.


Aw, man, Patsy Byrne just died too?

I seem to remember an old fan theory that all of the later Blackadders were actually the progeny of the original, clever Baldrick, who knocked up the Infanta of Spain during their time together in that dark room. She just named them after Edmund.

I just decided to watch the original ending for the first time, and I have to admit, I think it was the right decision to change the ending. Not that the original ending wasn't impressive or that the new ending was particularly well-done, but watching "Skid Row (Downtown)" immediately before really drove home how the