Matt Damon would so disagree with this
Matt Damon would so disagree with this
Plus no one with THIS FACE has the right to go after anyone else’s face. Having a shapeFULL colorless face of a blank avatar isn’t better . I get that your face is all triangles and sharp edges but it’s not improvement.
That was the most self-indulgent, pretentious, schmaltz infused piece of cheese EVER! I think there’s something in garden state if you’re a teenager but there is NOTHING to Wish I Was Here. Plus does anyone else remember when Zach Braff beat up that kid on Punk’d?
Was that the one he started a Kickstarter for? That whole situation was SO obnoxious. I never bothered seeing the movie.
Let’s start a kickstarter for him, maybe we could buy him thicker skin.
We all loved Garden State for exactly one year.
Isn’t Garden State also that movie where one of the aesops, if you will, was “hey, you don’t need to take your medicine if you’re suffering from mental health issues. That stuff just weighs you down, man!”
But... Wish I Was Here is still fair game, right? Even my mother, a dedicated movie-finisher, gave up on it about 3/4 of the way through. He has to know that was a self-indulgent pile of poo.
I don’t know a single word of Japanese but I’m going to tell you what Japanese words mean anyway, because as a non speaker, I think I can be much more objective about it than you can. And if you don’t think my opinion on this topic matters, you’re being reverse racist.
Yes, I know, and about this specific comment, he as a man has no grounds to remark on whether or not the comment is sexist. Because he is a man. Because he does not experience sexism and was not experiencing it here. His opinion doesn’t matter. And he didn’t say it wasn’t as bad as he thought it was going to be. He…
He wasn’t making any claim about sexism in general. He was talking about a specific comment, and if you look at the context, he was saying this just wasn’t as bad as he thought it was going to be.
1. So?
He has no grounds from which to claim that sexism against women “isn’t that bad” when women are calling it out. That is a textbook mansplanation. He also didn’t say he didn’t think it was that bad, he said it WASN’T that bad. Hell yes that is condescending.
I’m not agreeing with the comment. I’m just not seeing where it is condescending, which is kind of the principle ingredient in mansplaining. And I’m not seeing where he dismisses the view of anyone. I saw where you were being dismissive of his views, but he just stated some views that disagreed with the views of other…
Chelsea Handler hosted “Chelsea Lately” from 2007-2014. Joan Rivers had a show for maybe 2 years in the 1980’s. Perhaps others.
Seriously? Dismissing the interpretation of the women in the comments and the article writer to tell us all that “this isn’t that bad” and deciding without knowledge that VF’s statement was a fair evaluation of quality?
I’ve shared my opinion elsewhere. It’s similar to the one found in the article. As to point two, the fact that you don’t watch any of the late night shows just makes your defense of VF’s statement obnoxious.
I think this was a case where no matter what he said, he would lose, but he also was asked point blank, so couldn’t say nothing at all either. It’s not like he was the one who decided to host all of these late night shows and it’s not like any of the men who are hosting them now would have turned down such a great…
Matt Damon gets dragged and Trevor Noah gets a slap on the wrist for basically doing the same damn thing.
To paraphrase Nicholson in “The Shining”: