
I think it’s pretty telling that Cox’s statement mentioned everyone being there of their own free will. It really sounds like he thinks whatever happens in and around the theater is fine because it’s all in the name of making a good play. He’s garbage, as is his enabler Jahraus.

Piatt’s mea culpa is well worth reading. It raises the question why do critics eat up misogynistic theater as “raw” and “gritty,” and why don’t they wonder what women have to endure to make that theater possible?

It’s really valuable to hear that an exchange like that actually helped to change your opinion. Sometimes persuasion seems so unlikely that it seems like a better idea to just try and block anti-choicers the best we can, instead of trying to convince them. (I think a lot of people on the left also tend to demonize

I didn’t see this right away and I called Dr. Hern’s office to ask how I could donate money directly to the practice. I had a fifteen-minute conversation with Dr. Hern himself. In addition to being a hero, he is a very humble and cool guy.

THIS. When I was younger, still living at home with my conservative parents, I took a political science class at the local college. We had weekly debates, and for the reproductive rights debate, I took the anti-abortion side, because that’s what I believed. The professor asked if I thought abortion was murder and

jia, want to thank you for writing this. i am not a mom, have never been pregnant, but was moved to tears by your words and the way you spoke with elizabeth. this story is so important,and i’m glad you were the one writing this. thank you.

I just want to highlight this passage for anyone who skims or just jumps to the comments. Because truer words.

Way to miss the entire fucking point.

Methinks the point has flown right over your wee head.

I’m not a crier. I rarely cry. But I cried now. What a brave woman. What a scary country we live in. I just dearly hope it doesn't get any scarier than it already is for anyone who is not a cishet white man.

fuck off

One of the many (many, many, MANY) I am so madly in love with my dog I can hardly stand it:

i like the guy behind him too.

I’m so tired of hearing about this “lifestyle.” If God wanted us to run, why are our asses so big and comfortable? Q.E.D.

God, it’s the same people who I get into arguments with who a proud that they refused to vote in the midterms in 2010 and 2014, because Obama did not do enough to woo them. I tell them you aren’t a teenage girl reluctant to give up your virginity, you don’t need to be wooed, you need to do your damn duty and vote for

I know, I know... It’s really disheartening! Recent speculation about Warren as VP pick might change their apathy, but then again I offer this recent anecdotal evidence:

Not all women, just the slutty ones.

Oh they know. They just think the following people are better off dead:

We know that restricting access doesn’t make women less likely to end a pregnancy. It just makes abortion less safe. And that then threatens women’s lives.