
Which is why when progressives say “I’m not voting in November” I want to ask them how they got to be such fucking idiots who apparently know so much about voting systems that they can unequivocally declare them rigged, but haven’t quite figured out how their governors, legislators, sheriffs, or school boards got

What a true libertarian, thinking everyone wants to see his dick.

Who should be patting themselves on the back if not a group of women who stopped a rapist?

I hate that we see these things as our fault and solely our responsibility to fix. How long have we been doing this whole women fighting for equality thing? Millenia? We’ve never been cool with how society treats us. And how great are we doing as a gender, globally? (not just ladies who have access to computers and

How though, as an employer, do you make the most of everyone’s talents? That’s what I’m really scared of. That as I start my own business I will end up being as shitty of a boss as the one from the job I just quit.