
While abortion access may not be easy to obtain for her, she DID have more options than to wait until she was 24 fucking weeks (6 months) pregnant and do this. And as someone else said, now there is a baby who suffered immensely and who will become a person that has to suffer the rest of their life for her stupid,

Oh my GOD! They have to make TWO TRIPS! Like TWO WHOLE TRIPS before they can terminate a baby! Thats like asking them to go to the moon for an abortion!

Do you know that she tried? There is no mention of any nefarious activity at all in this article or in the links. That tells me for whatever reason it is not public knowledge-which is fine, we don’t need her health history. But this is going to rustle up some feathers from people like myself that support abortion and

You assuming she had no education or access is just as bad as me assuming she did. But it makes you feel better so, go ahead I guess.

I think it’s important to note that this woman is not a young girl. She is now 32. I’m very pro choice but we are deceiving ourselves in saying she didn’t have options. This was not her only option. And now there’s a child who will suffer for the rest of it’s life.

24 weeks. 24 weeks! The baby survived her attempts and will be fucked up for life. Let’s not act like she was 6 weeks along and got railroaded.


This, so much this!

Another road that nobody should travel; one that leads to Brazil.

This. Say what you will about Mike Huckabee or Ted Cruz, but they are not leading the country and never will.


I’m pretty sure you could flip that statement around and it would be more accurate. Dear US: Please look at what Christian control has done in Brazilian politics; it’s a road you do not want to travel.

It’s worth noting that you can be crazy and still have to pay for your crimes. In some places the insanity plea requires that you basically are unable to distinguish fantasy from reality. You can have a lot of mental health issues and still be able to tell what is real and what isn’t.

I’m sorry but, the way she killed her children sounds like it took some thought. I would question whether or not she was actually suffering from a mental illness.

Hey ABC and NBC