
She turned and asked: “Why did you do it?” Mr. Fairfax answered: “I knew that because of what happened to you last year, you’d be too afraid to say anything.”

“bombastic grifter”

“ this situation works, exactly”

“He .... has been wearing a soft cast.”

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”

She didn’t leave because she thought that if she keep him horny and not thinking straight the character he plays on tv would would want to be her boyfriend. She knew if he had sex or he got tired of waiting she was out the door. That’s why it was nothing but, “wait, slow down” then blowjob all night.

Rumor has it the cheerleaders were also part of a pyramid scheme.

What sick person soils a Bill Nye meme with MLP shenanigans!?

More like this

If they don’t turn out in November, FUCK THEM.

Dude, I’m fucking done with Sanders. I gave him a ton of money and I wish I could ask for it back. This fundraiser was done specifically to raise money for downballot candidates—the kind of congresspeople Sanders would actually need to fuel his imaginary revolution.

“She’s done nothing. She’s done absolutely nothing to further the success of the middle class. She jumps on the backs of people who she wants to be dependent on government. She needs these people to be dependent on her.”

Madeline Albright is 78 years old. She was born in fucking 1938 in fucking Czechoslovakia until FUCKING HITLER forced her family into exile in England during the Holocaust (in which THREE of her Grandparents died). She lived through the blitz in London, hiding under a metal fucking table during Nazi bombings.

I bet you his “fucking face” is even worse.

lol I think you mean, “trickle down your chin” economics ;)

Serious question, what if you’re white and you look white, but you’re also of African descent (Maybe your family is from North Africa and you look white, or maybe you’re mixed race.) I’m assuming its fine to call it an “afro” in that case?