Now playing

Since everyone’s showing their favorite song. This is probably the song that i loved most in Nier. It feels like it epitomizes the feeling of the game the most to me.

Good guy Nawabi

I’m someone who doesn’t mind if people want to have a belief that actually benefits them as a person and helps them progress, But once it makes them ignore years of hard work scientists put into understanding the universe, and a battle to convince everyone else how wrong every other idea is, It’s just a waste of time.

I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he invests 80% of his income into drug companies in order to develop more effective pills for staying awake longer

I dare say i could use this in my life, seeing as how it’s been proven to be a full proof alternate method to get whatever you want the easy way

INB4 Guinsoo’s annie

I wish it was more like this. Most of the time, Im dead before tibbers even gets to auto attack once after dropping from the heavens onto my face for half my health :(

As someone who thinks Yen is a horrible person. #6 makes me sad.

I usually mute people if things get too toxic. But if someone seems like a nice person who’s obviously just having a bad game and getting worked up. I usually instead of arguing, try and just acknowledge their complaints. Usually calms someone down when you listen without getting offended and they will usually be able

I’ve always felt like Catherine didn’t tell Simon the whole coin flipping story because that is what she believed. She was just trying to give him an easy to understand story to help him cope with the idea of creating a copy.