Ambiguous Bunn

The current minimum wage is about $8 an hour. If the minimum wage had grown at the same rate as inflation, it would be over $20 an hour. But the same people who complain about taxes and paying for the poors, refuse to pay people for the work they do. Whenever I hear these types claiming to be Christians, I really get

My biggest hope here is for the scuzbag from Argentina being deported!

Ha, play on my 3DS while doing cardio on a stationary bike :P

Yeah this article seems to come from the angle that gaming is like some kind of dessert of life and too much is bad for you/needs to be offset with good habits. For a lot of people it’s the same as consuming television, movies, a play, a social event, a sporting event, a hobby, reading a good novel etc. It’s not a

I intend to be ALL the dicks about this.

Agreed. I have very little to no sympathy for these people. Someone over on Fusion’s article on this said they’d much rather see it be GOP politicians gunned down than innocent elementary school students and that’s pretty much my thought as well. Let some people who have helped commit legislative atrocities get gunned

Okay, you got me! I’m being a dick. I’m okay with it.

About 60% of the military will always vote Republican because they blindly consider them the more pro-military party. Democrats usually bring about draw downs and less defense spending so they see that as voting against their own interests. Many don’t give a rats ass about the candidate and as a independent guy who

it’s just a picture of legs that cuts to an image of a man standing in a burning house and he has a goat head and his eyes are the black of the void and then it cuts back to an image of legs with paint on them and then it’s the goat headed man and he’s closer to the foreground and I can smell sulfur and then it cuts

But at least keep making weirdass mascots.

Dear IOC,