
I buy nVidia just for PhysX and CUDA. I think AMD has a CUDA competitor, but it's not as widely implemented (compared to CUDA.)

Disconnect it from the Internet and remove its battery power. Problem solved.

What movie is that from?

Although Android is quite widespread, games are still a little far-and-few-between, mostly due to all of the different GPUs and specs of different Android phones, and the trouble of supporting all of them. Whereas with Apple devices, there are maybe five devices you have to test on and you're done.

That setup doesn't really appear to have a bottleneck, though if you needed to pick one, it would be the GTX 260. If you do a lot of gaming, upgrade to a GTX 560 Ti or better.

A great interview! The only thing I take issue with is their explanation of suspended apps. I am fine with the concept. What screws it up is that all of these apps that you suspend, they all show up in the Alt+Tab menu, making that essentially useless. Make a setting, at least, so I can remove suspended apps from the

I suppose I have a fairly strange way of gaming. I have a 22-inch HDTV to the left of my bed, so I lay sideways on my bed to game. It's comfortable, at least. It helps that I'm only 5'4".

I love Microsoft products. I think that for the most part, they're doing everything right across the board. But Microsoft billing and customer service are still woefully horrible. I try to avoid them as much as possible.

According to the changelog, it looks like that bug was fixed on January 19.

No, Valve gave the project their blessing, that's all.

You were supposed to upgrade every year like all the other Apple fanbois.

Just make all touchscreen devices with Gorilla Glass. I hate people who put plastic screen protectors on glass. If the designer wanted you to have a crappy touch experience with plastic, he/she would have used a plastic screen.

Implement controls similar to the DS Zeldas. Analog sticks on a touchscreen don't work.

That doesn't look bad. I wish I had found Choqok before I started writing my own Twitter client. (Shameless self-promotion: it's called Charry, and it's a Python GTK+ client intended for Linux. It's also light on features, so...yeah, you'll probably want to try Choqok first.)

That's amazing. Now give it a name that doesn't make it sound like it was made for pornstars.

Although Sony did invent the BD format, Microsoft would have to license the technology from the Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA). I don't think the cash would go into Sony's pocket, or at least, not all of it.

Alcatraz reminds me of a season-1 Fringe. I'd like some explanations before the season finale, please.

Blargghhhh. Looks like MySpace.

That's the joke.

The plan I have with my ISP has a 200GB cap that counts all bandwidth, upload and download.