
You also just described why WoW feels “off” to people that haven’t played in a year or so. They change too much in the name of “balancing”

Fair points.

14 million concurrent users means they’re all online at that moment. the amount of registered steam accounts is likely higher by several magnitudes. you’re comparing sales to concurrent users. the ps3 sold 80 million units, and the ps4 10 million last time i checked. for 100 million concurrent users they would all

I couldn’t watch the video at the time, yeah he’s definitely yanking it lol

With such high quality porn online I have serious doubts he was masturbating to fully covered females. Cheerleaders are a 2/10 on the kink scale even for online porn where the outfits don’t fit properly... My bet is on him having itchy crabs or some other STD that’s driving him insane.

It’s not because of his vessel camo (skin), it’s because of spending so much time at the store. I thought the same thing because I did that as a kid. I’m white n my homelife as a kid was shit enough to spend all my time after school in shops playing game demos etc.

lazily copy-pasted everytime someone mentions cockfighting: Key differences: Pokemon won’t let you “capture” them if you knock them out, you must persuade them you are strong enough to only almost do it, lore says wild pokemon wish to prove themselves strong but won’t let any old chump with a pokeball train them. So

In that case they shouldn’t even watch a letsplay, instead search youtube for the inevitable “cutscene movie fan edit” (aka “game-movie”) where it’s just the cutscenes all in a row, sometimes they add any important bits of the gameplay that are necessary to understanding the story. I like games that are fun or

It took 2 weeks to get annoyed at it? That’s a long time, I only played it for bout 8 hours over the first weekend, managed the main story n couple dozen side quests. I can’t fathom what took you two weeks unless you only played 10 minutes each evening or something lol

-edit- nvm cba

Sometimes people just don’t feel like playing a game you like and they try to politely blame it on something that might possibly be a good enough reason in theory for someone out there, just not them.

Should try opening your quest log, right at the top is the story quest, select it, boom, it’s your target on the compass. Warning though: the main story is only 5 hours long ish n it’s far from the best skyrim has to offer.

“Won’t even let him have them in the house.” Why would anyone marry someone who hates their main hobby? I’m young- ish (27), do people eventually get so incredibly lonely that they’ll put up with anyone? Did she not initially hate games, but grew to hate them because of him? So many questions lol

“but as a mule to do all the tedious stuff.” - so, Mall/Shopping simulator?

Interesting stuff, thanks for sharing :)

o.O woah

What is it that hamsters do that makes them “evil”?

It’s wordplay on an old descriptor “No Mans Land” meaning barren wastland where no man should go. Are you aware women are also men? Don’t be sexist. “wo” in “woman/women” is just a prefix meaning you have a womb, a man with a womb. Penises aren’t very impressive you see, have you seen one? they can’t even grow life or

Bar 2 close friends I see every 3 weeks (exactly 3 weeks, not 3 ish) this is me. Not hitting on you, stranger, but I wonder if 2 people that are like us would make a good couple or a terrible couple!

I have no idea what I just watched but it was fucking awesome.