
“Racebaiting” is a term used by (white) people who have nothing better to say and have been backed into a corner. The fact that you were unable to truly address a single word I said, instead prattling on uselessly about racism you think is “mythical,” shows you have nothing to say and even less to back it up. I, on

You are “free” because you sold your soul to white supremacy, not because of any virtue of America. Your “freedom” comes at the expense of people like us, regardless of whether or not you were born here. Black and Native peoples were here long before Irish and Italians, and yet they were accepted into whiteness

“Free” as in equal rights and treatment by the government and society. I understand that your idiocy would cause you to interpret that literally, so perhaps I’ll just let you off with a warning to not come for me. I have little desire to show mercy to a racist invading a space for my people and telling me to leave the

There might not be any logic to where the feces sprays, or who gets hit, but it is as just and logical as the indiscriminate killing of black men by law enforcement officers all across the country. It might not be fair, it might not solve the problem, but whenever a community of people finally decides to stand up to

I understand what you’re saying, BUT

DreamHost could appeal the decision, but it’s not clear yet whether the company will choose to do so.

Dead Bath & Beyond

If Ian was Mr. Team instead of Mr. I. he would have taken the first questionable call and gotten on base.

This is pretty rare. Usually in these videos, it’s the MTA fucking the passengers.

Talk about riding the rails, amirite?!?!?!?!?

His district is a cesspool of farmers who get millions in subsidies and then (without irony) complain about a mom getting $50 a week in food help. Fuck western and northwestern Iowans.


How the hell are you shooting at a dog with no regard to any humans in the area? This is straight up negligence but I’m sure no one will punished for this fuckery.

Gonna go mildly against the grain of the comments and say that Magic did okay, here. With the Mozgov contract included in the deal, I think it’s about as much as he was going to get. They’re in great free agent position and Lopez certainly can’t make them worse this year.

“Sorry for thinking about my dead father[’s profound disappointment in my chosen profession] all day and wanting a souvenir from the Father’s Day game [as some small symbol to prove to his ghost that I’m not an overgrown manbaby].”

“Sorry for thinking about my dead dad all day” is how I am going to preface every rebuttal. My dad is still alive, which I am sure my wife will point out.

Zack deleted this one but my god

Apple does not “dodge taxes.” Apple doesn’t pay tax at the statutory 35% due to their indefintely reinvested foreign earnings. This is the exclusive reason for the difference in effective tax rates. Under the Internal Revenue Code as it stands, earnings from oversees operations that will be reinvested in those