Charles C. Blackwell

Dumb post, developers have been hiding and working around load times since the Playstation 1 days.

Have you ever played a n64 ps1 emulator on a good PC? Lmao.  Those games do load in like a sec.  What takes so long are all the fucking screens and pre-made animations that have to play.  But he'll unlock the frame rate and it'll blow right through.  Hell kh2 with the right settings on a ps2 emulator on a 5 year old

Cool. But if I buy a physical disc, can I play the game instantly?
Or will I still need to wait 5 hours for things to download?

I’m aware that the future is digital download only and eventually streaming. But until that becomes a consistently cheaper option, you’ll still find me trying to score a deal at Gamestop.

This is just incorrect. Better textures or models (eg: larger on disk) will cut in to a substantial increase in throughput from media into memory, but at the numbers we’re looking at in the above video, it’s absolutely not going to eat all of it. Then you mention effects, which are not really a “thing”, they’re simply

Actually loading on the n64 was pretty fast and non-existent in many cases. One of the justifications of Nintendo using cartridges. Not so with the PSX.

This is zero loading times for a last gen game, so once devs start filling giant open worlds with 4k textures and super high res models, someone is going to decide that having a loading screen is worth the quality tradeoff. And while Spider-Man was excellent I don’t remember the loading times being an issue. Other

dolphin carcass: free + shipping.

uh... you do know that if you hold a dolphin underwater it drowns also?

We should hold all these people underwater and take selfies with them while they drown.

All the tissue came from dolphin carcasses that had washed up on beaches in a variety of places around the world.

Um. This didn’t cost millions of dollars. It didn’t even cost hundreds of dollars.

We made molds of 5 species of dolphin.

Oh. I thought it was cause they were selling dolphin vaginas as a snack from a street vendor.

onna stick?