
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA! If I could come up with even HALF THAT AMOUNT to pay for an actual wedding, I would shit myself right now. As far as I’m concerned, if I’m dropping 12K for an “experience” I want that experience to include a bit more than a continental breakfast and a glorified tour.

what he did was wrong and he absolutely should be rotting in jail for it... but god. If everyone they knew had experience with sexual assault of some sort, it either happened to them or someone they cared about, it’s completely horrifying that this is somewhat normalized.

was he really like “What? Everyone touches

Can we make that Duggar a plural? The parents knew about the abuse and allowed it to continue, making them entirely culpable for the molestation children suffered at the hands of their son. All three of them are despicable people who should face prison time and never be allowed on television again.

They should. Also, their leader and guiding organization, Bill Gothard and IBLP, have been listed in a lengthy and horrifying lawsuit about covering up sexual abuse. Apparently they weren’t lying at all when they said that most families they knew experienced sexual assault: https://homeschoolersanonymous.files.wordpres

I hear there’s a bonkers family in Texas that is free now that the 15-year standoff is over.

Or, better yet, find programming that lives up to its former “Learning Channel” name?

Can they really not find another abusive cult to cash in on? Come on, TLC.

“These are people who had something happening in their lives a long time ago. We took the show off the air and immediately connected with two well-respected agencies to figure out the appropriate response. And one of those responses was the documentary to put the word out about a situation that doesn’t really get

Thank you. Almost nobody brings up the lack of representation of Bears at the Academy awards. Did you know that, as it stands, there have been over 1700 acting nominations in the history of the awards and only 23 have gone to Bears(Meryl Streep, Claude Rains).

How bad is it that a large part of me wishes you hadn’t been an ethical person who went on a date and wrote a slice of life article and instead wishes you were a catfish who would use a photograph of Martin Shkreli’s credit card and drivers licence for nefarious purposes.

I couldn’t bring myself to let anyone spend $120 on a cup of watered leaves for me, although I’m sure it is delicious. :)


Thanks for coming to the party. Have some tea.

First, I love Jezebel. And I have to say that even the negative comments about me on this site are much less mean spirited than on the WaPo site. A lot of angry dudes calling me a golddigger, fat, unattractive, wishing me STDs ...I could go on but you get the picture.

Also, I’ve noticed that the type of energy I’m broadcasting really affects whether or not people approach me in public. I went through a period this summer where I would take walks and focus on exuding positive energy to everyone around me (for my own mental peace and clarity), and I swear, that was peak get-asked-out

So, I read the original column.

Exactly this. This woman hijacked a worthy topic and conversation just so that she could post pictures of herself, and spread “awareness” of her own brand. Period. She could have easily set up a charitable donation account or at the very least, linked to an established organization that is already trying to help these

It didn’t really. It brought attention to her, but who is talking about the vanishing tribes in these comments? The topic is her and her alone, which I believe was her point.

Trying to “raise awareness” and create “art” by putting on blackface rather than taking pictures of and giving insight into the lives of actual tribe members.

My running theory is that she felt putting her face onto these other women’s faces would humanize them. ‘Cause, you know, only white people are really human.

Stupid is as stupid does.