
HOLY MATH someone else who remembers Omri Katz! I had a crush on him way back when...

I think that I've tried so hard not to be my mom that I've adopted all of my dad's habits, good and bad. Especially avoiding conflict and being passive-aggressive about it. But we're also both into cycling, fixing shit and starting projects that we don't finish.

Could someone explain to me why she's got a chicken here?

I'm definitely an explorer with a little of the Achiever thrown in. I'm always a little wary of having to choose a fork in the path and I hope the one I pick won't advance the story, because I might not get to go back and see where the other one went. I want to see how big this game world can get!

You know that effect you get when you put two mirrors facing each other? It's kind of like that where you put a mirror in the back of a frame, put a ring of lights around it, and then put a sheet of one-way mirror in front of it, the mirror side facing in. When you turn the lights on you get the tunnel effect.

I think that saying 'a la Banksy' means that this art is 'in the style of Banksy'. Whether this is actually Banksy or not is up for debate.

This is like when you get out of a hot tub, think NOPE and get back in.

Really? Now I'm curious about eating these land shrimp.

Ah! Of course! That's the perfect explanation.

I never understood the purpose of liquifying all your food after you're old enough to start eating solid food.

I've been meaning to make one of these for an entomologist costume.

That hot young stallion? He ain't what he used to be.

I think Japan just upped the bar for action figures based on characters in live action movies. Can we have a photorealistic Loki figure that doesn't cost $220 now?

I'd like to point out that Shaun of the Dead is my favourite rom(zom)com! Let me know if or when someone figures out how to make another romcom like it.

The best two player game I've ever played was Jaipur. It's a trading game where you collect goods for sale, by trading camels from your herd. It's fast and there's some strategy involved, but it's simple to pick up.

8 feet tall?! Slap some horns on this guy and you've got a bantha.

I don't care what this gif has to do with internet politics, it'll never get old for me. KEEP ON NOPEING ON, LIL OCTOPUS!
