So Pro

You'll be saying that right up until he wins the election.

Be careful what you wish for. Trump appeals to a lot of democrats as well. He’s cutting a wide swath of voters, being a populist and gaining support.

So soon it will be as white as other liberal institutions like Hollywood and Gawker.

That appears to be black code for “blacks only”...POC isn’t really a thing in the BLM community, from what I’ve seen.

“But then at the same time, I really, really, really wish white people in the public eye were asked about race. That’s one of the ways in which racism manifests: White people are never involved in the conversation. They’re never asked about their whiteness. I would love for someone to say, “What’s it like being a

I want to know how this has become a Black Issue and not a People of Color Issue. I thought the problem was that all the nominees were white, not that none of them were black.

Ok everyone get in single file line to anounce how progressive you all are.

White Gays aren’t white - sure, they look white - and the cops won’t bug them - and they make a stack, and they’ll never be red-lined and they can pass easily enough to never worry about employment and they can even win elections these days - but white - nah...they Gay - and that’s sorta like black without the

You could have shown the reaction shot from the Gawker writer’s room.

So many of the Gawker/Jezebel staff who were involved in the live blogging were white. And a lot of it was your standard “oh, the pageantry of it all. Hollywood!”. I honestly don’t know what to make of this.

Just for future reference: racist (adjective) having or showing the belief that a particular race is superior to another.

How did you react to Chris Rock, Rich?

White Man writes about White People like he ain’t white... Rich - just because you suck a dick or take it up the poop, doesn’t mean you aint as white and as privileged as any other Gawker writer privileged cunt in Hollywood...

The irony is strong here that all Gawker has is a white guy to write this article.

The best burn in the segment is describing Kanye as a bored sociopath with a finger free anus.

I’d take Trump over Cruz any day of the week.

Seriously, how many times are you going to post the same fucking thing?

So lazy let's complain about everything because it doesn't perfectly fit our politically correct sensibilities. Jesus Christ even when someone takes a stand and masterfully addresses a serious issue armchair warriors have to pick at something because it's not perfect. Really??

This whole thing is a ridiculous non-issue. The percent of black actors, nominees, and winners compared to other races are all right on par with each other.